
Chapter 4 Guide

The days passed uneventfully. Before I knew it, it was the end of August.

Liana was still busy in the kitchen preparing lunch, and the fragrance of potato cheese soup wafted from time to time. Justin sat in a chair and read the latest Times with relish. Nolin slumped on the sofa, boredly controlling the remote control to change channels, but did not focus on the TV for even a second.

The letter from Hogwarts almost a month ago really shocked him. His mother, Lianna, turned out to be a secretive wizard... This was far beyond his expectation. In the following time, Nolin frequently asked about the situation in the magic world, but Lianna was different from before. Instead, she blinked and asked Nolin to find out by himself in the future.

Nolin's mouth twitched on the spot, his face was speechless, and he had to give up.

"Little Nolin, I rarely see you going out to play recently." Justin looked up from the newspaper and asked with a slightly confused tone.

"...Too lazy to move." Nolin lay down on the sofa and closed his eyes.

"That's not okay. Children need to exercise more." Justin said disapprovingly, "I think I was already jumping around in your grandpa's house when you were so young."

"Dad, I'm not a child anymore." Nolin said helplessly and stood up, "Okay, I'll go and play with Harry for a while. I'll come back when lunch is ready."

"Only children will always think that they have grown up." Justin laughed from behind.

Nolin shrugged. The combined age of our two lives is almost forty. So, I am almost as old as you, dad...

However, when Nolin walked to the door, the doorbell suddenly rang.

Nolin was stunned, and when he opened the door, his pupils shrank unconsciously.

Standing in front of the door was a tall, thin and strangely dressed woman. She was wearing a pointed hat and her eyes were bright under her square glasses. The green cloak reaches the ground, giving it a special elegance.

She looked at Nolin and said, "You must be Mr. Nolin Davis."

"You are?" Nolin pretended to be surprised, but after the initial shock, he secretly complained, Professor McGonagall, you haven't changed your clothes in ten years...

"I believe we will be very familiar with each other in the future." Professor McGonagall did not answer directly. She asked, "Are your parents at home?"

"Yes. Please come in." Nolin nodded and got out of the way.

Professor McGonagall strode in, her cloak dragging on the ground but showing no stain at all. She walked to the living room and said to Justin, who was not far away, "Good afternoon, Mr. Davis."

"Hello." Justin looked up in shock, and was slightly stunned when he saw Professor McGonagall's dress. And deep in his eyes, there was a flash of... anger?  Norlin, who was following Professor McGonagall, noticed his father's fleeting expression.

"Oh! Professor McGonagall!" Hearing the sound, Liana poked her head out of the kitchen. After seeing the person clearly, he cheered and ran towards her.

"Long time no see, Lianna." A smile appeared on Professor McGonagall's unsmiling face. She gently hugged Lianna who rushed over.

"Long time no see. How could you...oh, I know." Lianna was obviously surprised. The professor was one of the few people she respected.

"How have you been over the years?" Professor McGonagall asked with a smile.

"You know, we settled here ten years ago. Now it seems that being a housewife is not a bad idea." Liana replied, waving to Nolin, "Little Nolin, come here quickly, this is Huo Professor McGonagall, the vice-principal of Gwarts, is also one of your future teachers."

"Hello, Professor McGonagall." Nolin bowed honestly and said with some respect.

"Hello." Professor McGonagall nodded and said to Lianna, "I came here this time to take him to Diagon Alley. After all, your situation is quite special. Nolin can only treat him as a child from an ordinary Muggle family. treat."

"I know. Please excuse me, Professor." Liana had already figured out the link. She sniffed, suddenly screamed, and ran towards the kitchen quickly, "Ah, I'm still cooking! Professor, you can stay and finish your lunch before going."

"My temper has not changed much after all these years..." Professor McGonagall shook her head and laughed, "That's going to be troublesome, Mr. Davis."

"How come, this is our honor." Justin waved his hand. What made Nolin a little concerned was that his father had been silent since Professor McGonagall said hello, and there was an indescribable weird expression on his face. He heard Professor McGonagall talking to him before he replied.

There are many things I don't know. Nolin thought with a headache.

Lunch was potato cheese soup and pasta. wheatProfessor Ge was full of praise and claimed that Liana's cooking skills had improved significantly. Nolin endured it for a long time before he said that hot and sour shredded potatoes were the most authentic way to make potatoes. In the eleven years since he came to the UK, he has wanted to complain countless times about the way the UK treats potatoes. He can fry, bake, pan-fry, steam, and boil everything, but he can't fry... God knows how hard it was for him to endure after eating all the hot and cold mashed potatoes, French fries, hash browns, etc.

Professor McGonagall is like an elegant nobleman, showing etiquette everywhere even when dining. After the meal, she took a tissue to wipe her mouth, stood up, and expressed her intention to leave.

"Little Nolin, wait a minute." Liana suddenly remembered something, found a key and stuffed it in an envelope and handed it to Nolin, then said to Professor McGonagall, "Professor, I have to trouble you to take him there. Gringotts. This is my password. It's in Gringotts Vault No. 24."

"Okay." Professor McGonagall nodded, turned and walked out of Nolin's house.

Nolin glanced at the envelope. It was a letter from Hogwarts. After saying goodbye to his parents, he quickly followed Professor McGonagall.

After they left, Justin, who had been almost silent during lunch, suddenly shouted: "Leanna..."

"My dear, it's okay. Little Nolin was born to belong to that world. And it's time for us to do our thing." Liana smiled softly and added, "It's okay."

"I hope so." Justin's eyebrows slowly expanded. He filled another plate of mashed potatoes and praised, "It's so delicious."

Nolin and Professor McGonagall were walking on the road and received the attention of passers-by. Nolin could understand, after all, no one could help but take a second look at such a strangely dressed woman walking on the street.

Professor McGonagall didn't seem to notice the surprised looks from passers-by, and remained calm until he reached the station. There is a train to London in ten minutes. Nolin scratched his head and rushed to buy the ticket because he was afraid that Professor McGonagall did not know much about the Muggle world.

When we got on the train, people still looked at me. But Professor McGonagall was obviously unmoved. She turned her head and said to Nolin: "Take out the letter and read it. There is a list of necessities inside."

Nolin took out the parchment envelope and opened the second page of letter that he had not noticed: "New students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry need: three sets of plain work robes (black), one plain pointed hat for daytime use (black), a pair of Protective gloves (made of dragon skin or similar materials), a winter cloak (black, silver buckle). Please note: All students' clothing must be embellished with name tags. [Textbooks] All students are required to prepare the following books:

Standard Spells, Elementary, by Miranda Gorshak

A History of Magic, by Bathilda Basset

The Theory of Magic, by Adebe Wulfling

The Beginner’s Guide to Transfiguration, by Emory Switch

A Thousand Miraculous Herbs and Herbs, by Philip Dasbol

"Magic Potions and Potions" by Arsenigig "Monsters and Where to Find Them" by Newt Scamman "Dark Powers: A Guide to Self-Defense" by Quentin Trimble "Other Equipment" A wand, a A large pot (made of tin, standard size 2 inches), a set of glass or crystal vials, a telescope, and a brass balance.

Students may bring an owl or a cat or a toad. Parents are particularly reminded that first-year students are not allowed to bring their own broomsticks. "

The letter was quite long, and it took Nolin a few minutes to read it. After he read it softly to Professor McGonagall, Professor McGonagall smiled and said, "This is the purpose of your trip."

"Can I buy this equipment in London?" Nolin asked knowingly, with an innocent and curious look on his face.

"As long as you know the way." Professor McGonagall said.

Apparently, Professor McGonagall has been to London. But she didn't come by ordinary people's methods, so even though she knew the way, she still had a lot of inconvenience. After getting off the train, Nolin consciously bought a subway ticket for a place named by Professor McGonagall.

Soon, they followed the escalator to a street lined with shops and bustling with people. Professor McGonagall took a second look at the escalator, obviously very curious.

It was just an ordinary street, filled with ordinary people. Professor McGonagall took Nolin all the way, and finally stopped slightly in front of a small bar, "We are here."