
Chapter 2 Yin gives birth to a son

Ju Yang is at the age of six, Yang Ju is at the age of twelve, and Yang Guan is at the age of twenty-two.

My mother doesn't want to be separated from me. As long as I see a ghost on my twenty-second birthday, Kanyang Pass will be considered a failure.

She can stay with me forever! How dare I go out!

After grandma left, my father sat in the house and drank. He didn't even eat a peanut.

With red eyes, I looked at my mother's photo on the wall. One sip of wine made him shed tears.

I reclined in my recliner and played games.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, my father said in a hoarse voice: "Sixteen, I'm going to the village to get a drink, so don't run around."

"Uh..." When I looked up, he had already drunkenly walked out the door.

But my dad didn’t come back for two hours!

It's autumn, and the days are getting shorter.

It was already frighteningly dark at eight o'clock, and the gas lamp was shining with orange light, making it seem a little quiet.

There was a black cat squatting in front of the courtyard gate, looking at me intently, and I stared at it for a long time.

Grandma didn't come back, so I called her. She was still more down-to-earth than many elderly people and knew how to use the elderly phone.

I told her about my dad going out.

Grandma seemed a little panicked and told me not to worry about my dad, no matter what happened! He might not be able to make it back in the evening...

Let me go to bed at ten o'clock, and when it's past midnight, I'll have finished exploring Yangguan. After I agreed, she hung up the phone.

I was about to go to the kitchen to prepare something to eat.

The village chief's grandson, Chen Xiaopang, rushed into my house out of breath. He ran up to me and grabbed my arm, his face turned pale with anxiety.

"Luo Shiliu, something big happened! Your father drowned in the river!

"What are you talking about!" My head was buzzing and my eyes were red!

My dad drowned in the river?

How could my dad throw himself into the river? During the day, he was still worrying about how to help me earn money to get married!

He drank too much and slipped and fell?

"Are you rescued?" I asked tremblingly while trying to hold back my composure.

Chen Xiaopang hesitated and was speechless.

My heart went cold at that moment, and I ran towards the entrance of the village! What warnings, what taboos! It’s all forgotten!

A few minutes later, I rushed to the Xiaoliu River at the entrance of the village.

Dozens of people gathered around the river, pointing and pointing.

On the dark water, my dad was floating on his back.

He refused to close his eyes, his eyes were bulging, and his livid skin was filled with deathly coldness!

After a flutter, I knelt down by the river and roared: "Dad!"

My dad is gone...

I cried so hard that I felt dizzy and my head was buzzing, as if everyone around me was a ghost.

They were saying that it was a bad sign that a man's body was lying face up. My father's death was not normal and he must not be fished out!

I couldn't care less, so I jumped into the Xiaoliu River!

The river water in autumn is bitingly cold! A chill ran down my spine, and my scalp suddenly became numb, and I felt quite awake all of a sudden.

Someone on the shore is shouting at me to get up quickly!

my rootsI ignored them and swam towards my dad’s body.

When I touched him, I shivered again.

His body was as hard as a wooden pile, not like a person who had just been drowned.

I dragged him and swam to the shore, his body was almost numb from the cold.

I was about to go ashore when I was hit hard on the shoulder by a bamboo pole. The pain made me drink several mouthfuls of river water!

"Luo Shiliu! Your father is going to be a sneaky man! He can't get to the shore! Let him go quickly!" The man was Carpenter Liu from the village, and he shouted to me with a pale face.

He also hit my arm hard with a bamboo pole! Let me release my dad's body!

That's my dad! How could I let go!

I held on tightly and refused to let go, and still had to climb to the shore.

Carpenter Liu raised the bamboo pole and it snapped. I screamed in pain and felt like my hand was about to break.

This was followed by curses from other people in the village.

"Luo Shiliu! You want to bring me here and harm the whole village!"

"He died in the water on his back. This is a ghost! He is trying to be a sneak! You are not allowed to get him ashore!"

"Luo Shiliu, you are a bastard! If you dare to let your father come ashore! We will drown you in the water!" Liu Carpenter glared at me fiercely and gave me a few more sticks.

I have no feeling in my right hand, and I don’t know if it was interrupted.

Other villagers also brought bamboo poles and wooden sticks! They didn't let go when they saw that I was dead, and they were afraid of beating me to death, so they went to attack my father's corpse!

My dad was stunned and pushed back into the river. Some people cursed, even spit and peed on him!

Because old people say that sneakers are afraid of dirt, and most afraid of feces and urine.

But they are humiliating my father’s body! I rushed to the shore and pushed them away like crazy.

The villagers also became red-eyed, perhaps because their resentment against me over the years had burst out, and they punched and kicked me.

I tried my best to protect the key parts of my head and face, and looked into the river with difficulty.

But I saw my dad’s body sinking slowly...

I don’t know if it’s because of the sinking or if he moved!

The side of his face was facing me, and his bulging eyes seemed to be glaring at these people who were beating me!

They fought for a long time, and I felt that my body was about to fall apart and it was no longer my own, so the punches and kicks stopped.

In a daze, I heard them say that the body had sunk and that everything was fine. He also said that he didn’t know if he had beaten me to death, so he had to leave quickly...

My eyelids were heavy and I was about to faint, when suddenly someone picked me up on their back.

The cool touch of ice woke me up again.

This man's body is very hard, harder than my father's body.

I opened my eyes with difficulty, only to find that it was the profile of a woman.

Her long black hair was fluttering in the wind, blocking most of my sight. I couldn't hear what she was whispering clearly.

It seems to be calling my name sixteen... and saying that everyone should die... mixed with a lot ofSorry for blaming myself...

I finally passed out...

When I woke up, my whole body ached, and I was lying on the bed at home.

Grandma was sitting by the bed, shedding tears and wiping my wounds. I hissed in pain.

Seeing that I was awake, grandma's eyes became a little lively.

"Sixteen, these people are too cruel, they will be punished!" She pursed her lips, and the wrinkles on her face were trembling.

I burst into tears immediately.

"Grandma, my dad is gone..."

Grandma's lips moved.

Only then did I realize that she originally had a few strands of black hair, but it was completely gray!

I shut my mouth and stopped talking. I am in pain, without my father.

Didn’t grandma lose her only son?

She is no better than me if she has a white-haired person to send a black-haired person.

At this moment, a hoarse voice came into the house.

"Po Liu Yin! I'm here. When will I go to retrieve the body?"

Grandma smiled at me, her crow’s feet folded together.

"Only when Liu Wensan comes can he fish your father out."