
Chapter 1 My mother’s life

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Mid-Autumn Festival has been a day for family reunion since ancient times!

There is a saying now that the moon is full on the 15th day of the 15th month. Many people understand that the full moon is on the 16th day of the 8th month, but this is not the case.

The ancients divided time according to twelve hours. The Mid-Autumn Festival is the day when the moon is waxing. The moon is yin, and when it is waxing, it is full. The yin energy rises to the sky at midnight, and this is the time when the moon is full!

In modern society, it is just past midnight, which is the 16th.

My name is Luo Shiliu...

In 1995, my family was too poor to go to the hospital, so my mother gave birth to me at home!

The amniotic water broke at noon, and the labor was difficult until about 11 o'clock in the evening. I didn't give birth until she was exhausted.

The midwife said that there was nothing she could do, one corpse and two lives, so she could only let Grandma Liu take the vagina...

Grandma Liu is my grandma. She is a well-known auntie from all over the country.

In the early years, women could not afford to go to the hospital, so women gave birth at home, and tragedies involving one person and two people often happened.

Died in childbirth, the mother is resentful and resentful, and the child is full of resentment. If not handled properly, it will cause harm to both mother and child!

Delivering a baby to a dead person is called delivering a baby!

Grandma said that she would have to wait until dawn before she could help my mother pick up Yin Sheng.

At midnight of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the yin energy surged into the sky, and she couldn't hold it down even after it came out! I will become sneaky!

My dad wiped away his tears while helping my mom put on her pants.

As a result, I saw my mother’s belly moving!

Grandma made a quick decision, cut open my abdomen with a knife, and took me out bloody!

Ever since I was little, I have been disliked by others.

I am a child born from a dead man’s belly! It’s called Yinshengzi!

The childhood of rural children is spent traveling in groups in the mountains and rivers, picking out bird eggs, and playing with slingshots.

My childhood was spent hiding behind trees on the wall and watching other children playing with envy.

However, no one dares to bully me!

The only time I went to Cuntou to make soy sauce was when I was five years old.

The son of the village pig butcher chased him and slapped him all over his head, causing his nose to bleed!

Grandma arrived at the door of the pig butcher's house and asked the whole family to kowtow and apologize.

A chicken can replenish three drops of blood, but I have to kill a hundred chickens and a pig to save the lives of their whole family!

The butcher licks blood from his knife every day!

Others are afraid of my grandma, but he is not! He held a butcher's knife to my grandma's neck and told her to get out!

Not to mention a hundred chickens, not a single feather!

He also said that if his son sees me in the future, he will beat me once! Beat me until my face and ass are bruised!

Grandma left with a livid face.

As she walked, she pulled her neck and shouted, if someone wants to die, he must die!

Ten or twenty years ago, my grandma had a very high status in the village! Everyone fears and respects the Yin Po.

It's already 2000, and she can basically afford to be sent to the hospital. She can't get a vaginal discharge all year round, and people in the village have begun to boycott her!

It is said that she is a remnant of feudal society, and the four old superstitions have not been destroyed.

Even the pig butcher's son came into my house like a catIn the yard, I was splashed with pig red!

He also told me to replenish my blood!

Grandma drove people out without saying a word.

If you say they are doing this, they will get burned!

Not only was the pig butcher not afraid, he led his son to urinate in front of my house every day.

When I meet anyone, I tell them that I am a bastard who should have died long ago!

At that time, my father went to work out of town, and there was no man in the family. He was bullied to the point of being bullied, and he couldn't resist.

I hide in the house and cry every day.

I feel wronged!

But I dare not go out!

I was afraid that I would be beaten until my face and butt were bruised.

This lasted for seven days.

On the seventh night, grandma put me to bed early and gave me my favorite chocolate.

By the next day, the whole village was trembling...

Police cars surrounded the village on three levels, and dozens of police officers with police dogs searched every house!

Because there was a tragedy in our village where every family was wiped out!

The pig butcher's family of seven were all gone!

His son's hands and feet were chopped off and turned into a human stick. My wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, father, and mother all died on the killing rack.

The only one who is better is the butcher, who slits his throat and dies.

In the end, the police explained that after autopsy conducted by multiple experts and on-site investigation, the murderer was the pig butcher himself!

He overdosed on drugs and had mental problems! After killing his family members with cruel means, he committed suicide again!

But I know, I'm afraid it's not that simple...

That night, I had a dream.

In the dream, I saw a woman covered in blood with a big gash in her stomach. She hugged me, sang me a lullaby, and said I was her life!

Whoever harms me in this world should die!

That night, grandma didn't go home either, and spent the whole night shouting mourning in the village.

There are many rumors that the reason why the pig butcher went crazy is because they bullied me!

Back then, my mother gave birth to a dead body and became a female evil spirit. She never reincarnated and was guarding me every day!

She killed the pig butcher's family of seven!

Since then, no one in the village dared to provoke me!

Until later, I went to the town to attend elementary school, junior high school, high school...

I made friends and kept my grandma's teachings in mind. I didn't have any conflicts with others, and gradually developed a dull and introverted character.

This kind of life lasted for many years, and I didn't think about it until I graduated from college.

Are there really ghosts in the world?

Is it true that the Pig Butcher's family was wiped out because my mother refused to change after her death?

That kind of maternal love is really scary!

Because of my obsessive and introverted personality, many units looked down on me. The school did not care about assignments, so I had no choice but to go home.

My dad is worried too.

Sad and poor!

The rich man in the family can’t afford a few! I'm afraid I'll be a bachelor.

Grandma said, there is a way for me to do itIt’s a job to make quick money. Work for a year and a half, save up enough money, buy a house in the city, and then find a wife to live by!

I was very excited at the time. I also wanted to make money and didn’t want to stay in the village and farm. The old men and women in the village are all pointing fingers at me now! I felt so embarrassed and couldn't hold my head up.

And the day I went home happened to be the Mid-Autumn Festival!

The day when other people’s families get together...

My birthday is also the anniversary of my mother’s death…

Every Mid-Autumn Festival, I have to go home, and my grandma will watch me fall asleep.

But that day, the village chief came to my door and begged my grandma to come with him.

His grandson’s daughter-in-law had a difficult delivery in the county hospital and died... stillborn!

When grandma went out, she told me a lot, saying that today is my twenty-second birthday.

On February 2, the dragon raises its head.

Twenty-two, Kanyang Pass.

She would try to get back before dark.

Because today is also my mother’s death anniversary! She doesn't want me to explore the Yang Pass and remove the Yin Qi.

In that case, the connection between her and me will be broken, and she will become a wandering ghost.

I am my mother's life!

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