
Chapter 1 Master Teacher System

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In a dimly lit room.

"Ahem...ah!" With a cough like a bellows, a black-robed figure opened his eyes. He covered his chest in pain, where there was a horrible through-wound.

"Ah...!" Lucian bent down.

Pain, severe pain!

When the pain in the body reached a critical point, it seemed that a rope in the brain suddenly broke, and then a large number of strange memories began to merge with his original memories quickly.

"Hehe..." Lucian panted, but his voice seemed calmer at this time.

When he opened his eyes again, a hint of confusion appeared in his black pupils.

He seemed to have traveled to the wizard world, to the body of a third-level wizard apprentice named Lucian Kevin!

But this didn't seem to be the point. The point was that he seemed to be dying.

This was a sad fact. But Lucian still felt a little fucked up.

He obviously did nothing, just took a nap on the podium, but he was not allowed to die easily, and had to change his body before he died.

Could it be that the feng shui in the wizard world is good?

Lucian thought, and at the same time touched the horrible wound on his chest that made it easier for him to speak from the heart. If it were an ordinary person, this injury would be fatal.

According to the original owner's memory, a week ago, he and his mentor were on a mission outside, but just after leaving the wizard academy, they were ambushed by a team led by a mysterious person.

In that battle, his mentor, the official wizard Pinol, died!

He escaped with the help of a disposable magic tool, but was still hit by a long-range magic from the opponent's official wizard, which pierced his chest. Although he tried his best to treat it after returning to the wizard academy, it could only delay the treatment and could not be cured at all.

Although the damage caused by the official wizard can generally be cured by other official wizards as long as they are willing to pay some price.

But sadly, the original body didn't have anything that could impress the official wizard in exchange for the other party's chance to attack. What's more, perhaps treating him would offend an official wizard.

So he could only watch the wound worsen these days. He was almost certain that he would die of wound infection within a month. After death, he might be thrown into the black forest outside the academy like countless dead wizard apprentices, and let the blood-eyed crows and other low-level monsters completely decompose his body.

And at this point in time, Lucian came through, and he... took over.


But soon, Lucian hummed in surprise.

Because he found that the corrosive power that was originally entrenched in his chest wound was disappearing rapidly. According to the original owner's memory, the corrosive power came from the official wizard who attacked them, and it was this power entrenched in the chest that constantly interfered with Lucian's body recovery, so he could only watch himself gradually weaken.

At this time, the disappearance of the alien wizard's power meant that the biggest resistance to his body's recovery had disappeared. Although the remaining wounds were terrible, at least he didn't have to worry about being cut off immediately.

Could this be the so-called time-travel healing technique?

In any case, Lucian breathed a sigh of relief. He struggled to the laboratory table, picked up a test tube containing a dark green potion on the table, directly opened the stopper with his mouth, and then poured it directly into his mouth without caring about the faint bitter taste of the potion.

Gulp, gulp...

After taking this recovery potion, Lucian closed his eyes and waited silently for the effect of the potion to take effect. At the same time, he was also thinking about where he should go in this strange wizard world.

"Teacher Pinol seemed to be a little abnormal for a while before the accident. He should know something, but he didn't tell the original owner." Lucian's expression was a little solemn.

In the wizarding world, the relationship between mentors and students is mostly normal. Compared with the relationship between mentors and students in China, the relationship between mentors and most students in the wizarding world is more like an unequal relationship between laborers and apprentices. While students get the protection and knowledge of their mentors, they also need to pay, or even be exploited.

So Lucian did not feel much grief about the death of his original mentor. He was just a little worried that the official wizard who killed his mentor would come to trouble him, a small pawn.

Of course, this situation is also relatively rare. What's more, perhaps in the eyes of the other party, this poor apprentice who was hit by the other party's witchcraft probably didn't know where he died?

Lucian's pale face showed a bitter smile.

Although the alien wizard power entrenched in his chest has been cleared, he is still in a seriously injured state, and his strength has been greatly reduced. It is not easy to restore his strength to its peak state.

In this cold, rational and cold-blooded wizard world, can he really adapt and survive? A hint of confusion flashed in Lucian's eyes.

At this moment, a transparent light curtain suddenly appeared in front of Lucian, and lines of handwriting appeared and continued to display.

[It is detected that the host has escaped from the dangerous state, and the master system is binding...]


[System binding is successful]

[Host]: Lucian Kevin

[Strength]: Third-level wizard apprentice

[Health Level]: 46.3% (Severely Injured)

[Bound Student]: 0/1

[Respect Value]: 0/1000

[Knowledge List]: (Click to view details)

[Warm Tips]: You have not bound a student yet. It is recommended to bind a student as soon as possible to unlock all the functions of this system. For details of the functions, please check the specific functions.

When he saw this attribute panel, Lucian was stunned at first, but then he fell into ecstasy.

Sure enough, the panel is the body of the traverser!

But what made him a little confused was why his system was a famous teacher system?

Lucian suppressed his curiosity and began to check the specific functions of this system.

Soon, he found the description of the specific functions in the pop-up window area on the side of the system panel.

Lucian couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth twice.

His famous teacher system is a bit outrageous.

In short, its only two functions are built based on students.

[Master Teacher Teaching Rules]: You can teach your bound students to get rewards. When they successfully master the knowledge, you can get the upgraded version of the corresponding knowledge.

[Respect Value Rules]: If your students respect you from the bottom of their hearts, you will gain respect value. The amount of respect value you get is related to the student's strength and degree of respect. Respect value is a very precious system currency, which can be used for internal consumption and system upgrades.

After Lucian roughly read the system functions, he looked at his empty room again and twitched his mouth.

The original owner did have two students before, but those two unlucky guys had fallen in the attack. Now, he can be said to have no big cats, and he is a pure lonely person.

Moreover, although the third-level wizard apprentice has the qualifications to recruit assistants or students, it is impossible to recruit students in the current poor conditions where his mentor is dead and seriously injured.

After all, a dead tree that is about to fall has no attachment value at all.

This is a bit fucked up, like falling into a dead loop:

Q: How to recruit a student?

A: Show your value, show your muscles.

Q: How to show your value, show your muscles?

A: Improve your strength.

Q: How to improve your strength?

A: Recruit a student.

You three are working together to find a bug with me?

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