
Chapter 1 Strange place

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Chapter 1 Strange place

Zhao Yichen felt a trance in his mind and opened his eyes drowsily.

"What's wrong with me?"

"Why does my head hurt so much when I wake up?"

In the dark environment, there was only a faint light. The dim vision made it impossible for him to see everything in front of him clearly, and he could only barely see the outline of his hands.

Zhao Yichen reached out and groped towards the head of the bed.

The feeling of his fingers touching something made him a little confused. The thing he touched was not a bed at all, but the ground.

"Did I accidentally fall off the bed? No wonder I feel a little pain in my head."

Although Zhao Yichen felt a little strange that the double bed fell to the ground when he was sleeping alone, but he didn't think much about it.

I just feel that it’s a bit embarrassing for me to fall to the ground while sleeping because I am such a big person.

His bed was against the wall and could be reached as long as he stretched out his hand, so he groped the ground and crawled in the direction of where the bed was in his memory.

After about a minute or so, he suddenly froze.

No, even if I fell off the bed and walked this way for so long, I should have reached the bed.

When he reacted, he felt a little hairy in his body. As a modern young man, he read a lot of novels.

Although he was already in his early twenties, he still looked forward to various thoughts of traveling through time and encountering mysterious events.

But Zhao Yichen's current situation is. But it didn't make him happy.

If he suddenly appears in a normal environment, there is no doubt that he is excited and thinks that he has traveled through time.

But now the place he was in was pitch black, and there was no sound of insects or birds around him, so he had to worry.

Could it be that he traveled to some forbidden land, Jedi, or a strange world?

Thinking of this, he groped around his body. Fortunately, he had just taken a nap before and did not take off his clothes. His cell phone was still on him.

He took out his cell phone and opened it, and the faint light from the cell phone illuminated the surrounding area.

The time now is 9:30 in the morning. Zhao Yichen opened the map on his mobile phone and wanted to locate his location.

Looking at the mobile phone map that had not been loaded for a long time, I realized that there was no signal on the mobile phone.

The strange scene shocked Zhao Yichen again, making him even more convinced that he might have traveled through time.

Although the place where he lives is not a big city, it is not remote either. Although the city is not brightly lit, when the lights are turned off, you can still roughly see the outline of the room.

It is even more impossible for a mobile phone to have no signal. All the irrationality points to the direction he expects - time travel.

But the scene in front of him made him unhappy. The environment he was in now was too bad.

However, Zhao Yichen was not desperate, he just felt a little unlucky. His fantasy about time travel still made him look forward to the fantasy life that might exist in the future.Turn on the flashlight of your mobile phone, and the light of the flashlight can barely illuminate the surrounding area of ​​about five meters. Although you can't see clearly from a farther distance, you can roughly see the outline.

With the help of the light of the flashlight, Zhao Yichen discovered the situation at his location.

The location where I am now is an asphalt path. The path is only large enough for one person to walk, and there are many weeds on both sides.

When he saw this asphalt path, he was happy. Fortunately, it was not in an uninhabited place. The presence of a road at least meant that there were people living nearby.

But the time on his phone still made him a little worried, but he didn't pay too much attention to it.

If you have traveled through time, it is normal for the time displayed on your phone to be incorrect.

He took his cell phone, thought for a moment and walked in one direction along the road.

It seems that because Zhao Yichen was a time traveler, he still had some "novice aura" at the beginning, so he did not choose the wrong direction.

After walking for about ten minutes, an old house appeared in front of him.

The house looked very old, and its style was a bit like that of the previous century. It was not clear which era it belonged to, and he didn't pay much attention to these things.

The path under my feet seemed to end at this ancient house.

Although Zhao Yichen felt relieved when he encountered this ancient house, he was still a little worried.

Under the dark night, a person suddenly woke up from a deserted path in the middle of the night, walked along the path, and finally came across a dilapidated and old house. No matter what he thought, something was wrong.

Even though Zhao Yichen likes to think in a positive direction about the things he encounters, he has to worry now.

Now that he has traveled through time, he does not believe that his location is any ordinary place in this weird atmosphere.

However, he finally chose to go to the ancient house.

It's a blessing, not a curse, but it's a curse that cannot be avoided.

What is going on inside or you have to go in and take a look on your own to find out, is it an opportunity? Or dangerous? You can't tell at first glance.

Soon Zhao Yichen came to the gate of the ancient house. With the faint light emitted by his mobile phone, he could see the general situation of the ancient house.

This place must have been abandoned for a long time. The fences next to the house are all dilapidated. Except for the door of the house, which is still brand new in vermilion, other places are dilapidated and somewhat rotten.

The dazzling red color of the door combined with the current environment made Zhao Yichen feel a little guilty.

He could only comfort himself that this was normal. Aren't doors always colored red or yellow?

He walked to the door bravely, pushed the red wooden door gently with force.

Perhaps because the house was abandoned, the original owner did not lock the door. Although Zhao Yichen did not use any force, he still opened the door a crack.

Seeing that the door was unlocked, he showed joy on his face and pushed the door open with gentle force.


It seems that the house has not been occupied for a long time. It has just been opened.When I opened the door, a rotten smell came to me.

Zhao Yichen didn't pay too much attention. He stretched out his hand and fanned his nose. After the smell dissipated, he walked directly into the house.

Just as he walked into the house, he felt an inexplicable sense of coolness. He suddenly felt an inexplicable coldness, pulled up the chain of clothes on his body, and then took a photo of the courtyard with his mobile phone.

Portraits were scattered on the ground. It was clear that the courtyard had been abandoned for a long time, but there was no dust on them.

Except for the yellowing of the drawing paper, which gave it a primitive and dilapidated feel, there was no sign of any damage.

It seemed that Zhao Yichen had triggered some mechanism by opening the door, and a faint mist began to fill the outside of the house.

A strange and cold atmosphere appeared.

(End of chapter)

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