
Chapter 1 Sephiroth Template

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"His father has been arrested. If we keep him here, we will be arrested together!"

"But his father is the founder of the organization. This manor was also bought secretly by his father. This is his family's property."

"This is the headquarters of the organization! When his father used this place as the headquarters of the organization, it was no longer his family's property!"

"I also think it's better to send him away. Although he has not awakened superpowers, his father has been arrested, and his identity as a mutant must have been exposed."

"We can't let him implicate everyone because of him. I agree to send him away!"

"I agree. At most, I will give him a sum of money and a car!"

"His father probably doesn't want to see the organization destroyed because of him. Let's vote!"


Richard, who was sleeping, vaguely heard the sound coming from outside. He slowly woke up, opened his eyes, and an angry expression appeared on his face.

He was sleeping well, and was suddenly woken up. It would be strange if he got up happily.

Just when he was about to get up and see what the big guys in the same dormitory were talking about, he noticed something wrong.

This quilt, this bed, this room...

What is this place?

Am I not in the dormitory at school?

Looking at the completely unfamiliar bedroom in front of him, Richard's face immediately showed a confused and puzzled expression.

Just as he was about to get up to figure out where this place was, a strong headache suddenly hit him, making him instinctively cover his head, and the whole person trembled uncontrollably.

Damn it!

What's going on!

The sudden severe pain made him experience pain he had never experienced before.

At the same time, his mind flashed through one memory after another that did not belong to him like a revolving lantern.

When these memories that did not belong to him stopped flashing, the severe headache also disappeared.

Richard sat on the bed, gasping for breath, and the expression on his face became extremely ugly.

Although the memories just now did not belong to him, after being forced to browse through these memories, he finally knew what happened.


To be precise, he crossed into a mutant named Richard Wesley in the Marvel Universe.

As an ordinary college student in the flower-growing family, he is not unfamiliar with such things as crossing.

Or rather, he usually reads a lot of online novels about time travel.

But he never thought that he would become a time traveler one day, and he would travel to the Marvel world and become a mutant.

Calm down!

You must be calm at this time!

It's just time travel, not meeting Cthulhu, don't be nervous, don't be nervous at all!

This is just a small matter, a very ordinary, very common small matter that many people will encounter...

Richard tried to comfort himself and calm himself down as much as possible.

Although it was his first time traveling through time, he had seen pigs run even if he had never eaten pork, and he gradually calmed down.

He is now undoubtedly a rookie time traveler, but he has read hundreds of time travel novels after all.

With so many cases of time travelers reaching the peak of their lives after traveling through time in his mind, he not only quickly accepted the fact that he traveled through time, but also began to look forward to life after traveling through time.

After calming down, he began to look for his own time travel golden finger.

As we all know, time travelers will have their own time travel golden fingers.

Although the golden fingers of each time traveler are different, the God of Time Travel will treat each time traveler equally, just like canned yellow peaches will bless every child in Northeast China!

When the idea of ​​finding the golden finger of time travel emerged in his mind, a holographic virtual projection-like attribute panel immediately appeared in front of him.

[Host: Richard]

[Race: Human (Beta-level mutant)]

[Current template: Sephiroth (fusion degree 5%)]

[Exclusive equipment: Authentic sword]

[Skills: Eight Swords Flash (level 1, 0/100), Earth Shaking (level 1, 0/100), Sky Shocking (level 1, 0/100), Zanxin (level 1, 0/100), Iai Slash (level 1, 0/100)]

[Magic: 30]

[X Gene Superpower: Plunder]

[Task: None]

[Storage space: Opened]


The moment the system panel appeared, the relevant information of the system also appeared in his mind.

Soon, he figured out what kind of system he had.

Template system!

A system that can obtain the abilities of template characters by loading different templates!

More importantly, multiple templates can be used at the same time, and the abilities of several template characters can be obtained.

Although he didn't know what templates he would get next, Richard was already looking forward to the next character template.

The first template was Sephiroth, and the following templates would not be worse than Sephiroth.

Richard was no stranger to Sephiroth.

In other words, anyone who knew the game "Final Fantasy 7" would not be unfamiliar with Sephiroth.

As the final BOSS of "Final Fantasy 7", Sephiroth's popularity and fame are even higher than the protagonist Cloud.

However, compared with "Jerusalem of 3D Zone" Tifa, Sephiroth's fame and popularity are still lower.

That's Tifa!

The 3D Zone cannot lose Tifa, just like the West cannot lose Jerusalem!

Just by looking at this sentence, you can know the status and importance of Tifa in the 3D area.

Although he lost to Tifa in fame, this does not affect Sephiroth's popularity among the ultimate villains of Final Fantasy.

After browsing the system information in his mind, Richard turned off the attribute panel that only he could see.

After turning off the panel, he did not get up immediately, but raised his left hand and began to summon his current exclusive equipment "Masamune" according to the system instructions.

Although his dominant hand is the right hand, Sephiroth's dominant hand is the left hand.

In order to improve the fusion of the template, he decided to summon the Masamune with his left hand.

With a flash of light green, Sephiroth's exclusive weapon "Masamune" appeared in his hand.

It's really long!

After summoning the Masamune, Richard's first reaction was that the Masamune was really long.

Although the official has never given the specific length value of the Masamune, it is recognized that the Masamune is much longer than the general samurai sword.

The genuine sword that Richard summoned at this time was about the same length as the one in "Advent Children", about two and a half meters.

The handle was forty to fifty centimeters long and only three centimeters wide.

As for the thickness, it was a few millimeters.

If you look at it from a distance, the silver-white genuine sword is like a silver line.

In the past, let alone the genuine sword that was more than two meters long.

Even if it was an ordinary samurai sword, Richard would not dare to say that he could use it well.

However, now, when he summoned the genuine sword and held the handle, an innate sense of familiarity came to his heart.

Without any hesitation, he got up immediately and waved the genuine sword in the bedroom.

Although the original father was not as rich as Batman, the main building of the manor was as magnificent as the main building of Wayne Manor.

As the only son of the original father, the original bedroom was the second room after the master bedroom. The entire bedroom area reached sixty to seventy square meters and the height was about five meters.

Although there were still a lot of furniture in the bedroom, this area and height were enough for him to wave the genuine sword.

Straight slash, horizontal slash, diagonal chop, straight stab, upward slash...

Although it was just an ordinary move, it was performed by him at this time, with a sense of beauty.

After trying a few simple moves, Richard decisively used Sephiroth's signature skill, Eight Swords Flash!

In just a moment, he swung out eight slashes smoothly.

"Eight Swords Flash Proficiency +1"

The system's voice immediately sounded in his mind.


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