
Chapter 1 An ordinary and warm night

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Chapter 1 An ordinary and warm night

"happy birthday!"

 The light in the living room shone on the light yellow tablecloth, making it look extremely warm. Dad and mom entered the house carrying the cake.

 They never take bad moods at work home with them. They are all smiles. Although they have been busy all day, they do not show any signs of fatigue.

  Opening the kitchen curtain, Gao Ming walked out with the freshly prepared meal. He did not speak to his parents and sat alone at the dining table.

"This child..." Dad shook his head helplessly, took off his raincoat and rubber shoes, and put the slippers at mother's feet.

The father in a neat suit is very gentleman, tall and handsome, and the mother in a white shirt and jeans is gentle and capable. She praised Gao Ming's cooking skills, and then threw the dirty clothes she changed into the bathroom.

The sound of running water sounded. After my mother washed her hands, there were still a few drops of dark red stains on the sink.

“Today is your birthday. No matter how busy we are at work, we will always come back to be with you.”

Gao Ming seemed not to hear his parents' voices. He lowered his head and listened carefully to the news reports on TV.

"The murderer reappears on a rainy night! The third murder occurred in the old city of our city!"

“The police have identified the suspect! Please don’t panic, lock your doors and windows, and try not to go out late at night!”

Heavy rain was hitting the window glass, and the howling wind outside formed a sharp contrast with the steaming food inside.

“Why do you keep watching these news?” Dad picked up the remote control, worried: “Some media like to rely on unrest and misfortune to increase attention.”

Gao Ming didn't reply. He quietly moved his eyes and scanned the warm hut.

All walls have been installed with sound insulation layers and covered with sound-absorbing paint. As long as there is no violent scuffle in the house, the neighbors will not know what is going on in the house.

 The living room has been replaced with a brand new air-cooled refrigerator, which relies on a fan to blow air into the refrigerator for cooling. The stored meat is less likely to stink and will not have any odor.

 The kitchen is equipped with a large number of fresh-keeping bags, which can just hold fist-sized pieces of meat and are easy to carry. Under the counter is a heat-generating agent, which when mixed with water can speed up the rotting of meat. So... part of the meat is hidden in the refrigerator, and part of the meat is taken out and scattered and buried?

 There is a plastic anti-seepage membrane placed behind the bathroom door, which is enough to cover the whole bathroom. It seems that the "meat" is processed here.

Of course, meat that needs to be processed in the bathroom is definitely not serious meat.

Just looking at the clean and tidy ground, some bad scenes had already appeared in Gao Ming's mind.

The overall decoration style of the room is very warm, but his hands are lightTrembling slightly.

“Here, let’s eat the cake. My dad and I braved the heavy rain to get it back.” After my mother washed her hands, she unwrapped the cake and carefully inserted eighteen candles on it.

"Eighteen candles..." Gao Ming is twenty-six years old this year, and the number of candles is wrong.

“Would you like to make a wish?” Dad lit the candle and Mom turned off the light.

 Darkness enveloped the living room, and the flickering firelight reflected the faces of father and mother. They stared at Gao Ming in the darkness, with identical smiles on their faces.

˜ is really exactly the same, even the curvature of the corners of the mouth is exactly the same.

Gao Ming could feel his father and mother approaching, and their bodies seemed to be alienating in a place where the firelight could not reach.

“I hope my father and mother can stay with me forever.” This was the first time Gao Ming spoke since his parents returned home. In fact, Gao Ming loved his father and mother very much, and his father and mother also loved him very much. No matter how busy they were, they would come back to see him every night.

 The lights came back on, and Gao Ming's back was already wet with cold sweat. He took off the candles one by one, wiped them clean, and put them into an iron box. There were many candles in the box.

"It won't work if you say your wish. Next time, just say it silently in your heart." Dad seemed to be starving and started eating in big mouthfuls. Mom looked at Gao Ming dotingly and picked up chopsticks to pick up food for him.

Gao Ming did not touch the food he had cooked. He placed a piece of cake in front of him. He silently counted his heartbeat and gently rubbed the calluses on his fingertips.

“An urgent news break! The murderer is very likely to escape into the residential area on a rainy night! Once again, citizens of the old city are reminded to close the doors and windows and never open the door to strangers!”

“According to clues provided by the police, the Rainy Night Murderer is between 20 and 30 years old and between 1.75 and 1.85 meters tall...”

About fifteen minutes later, Gao Ming finished observing the status of his father and mother. He scooped out a piece of butter with a small spoon and put it into his mouth.

 The milky aroma is rich, and the sweet taste melts in your mouth, as if you have swallowed the whole fairy tale in one bite.


 The mother who was getting up to serve the soup fell to the ground, her arms waving unconsciously, and her eyelids slowly opened.

Seeing his wife fall, his father wanted to help her, but he felt as if his body was filled with lead water, and it was difficult to even move.

“The dose of medicine is a bit too high. Although it’s not the first time I’ve done something like this, I still feel nervous.”

Gao Ming's hands stopped shaking. He looked at his father and mother who fell to the ground, with a strange expression on his face.

“I still can’t understand why this happened. Am I crazy, or is the world crazy?”Gao Ming opened the closet, took out the restraints used to bind mental patients, and tied up his father and mother skillfully.

The news about the rainy night murderer on TV continues, and the rainstorm continues, but these seem to have nothing to do with the high life.

 He struggled to drag his unconscious father and mother to the bedroom door.

 Gao Ming loves his father and mother very much, and his father and mother also love him very much. No matter how busy they are, they will come back to see him every night, but...

  Pushing the bedroom door open with force, the chains rattled, and strange yet familiar faces with Ruan smiles stared straight at Gao Ming!

 The bedroom is full of mom and dad!

 Their bodies are entangled and intertwined!

 The expression on his face doesn’t seem human at all!

 Gaoming’s father and mother would come back every night, but it seemed that those who came back were not his father and mother. Even if they are tied up, there will still be a new father and mother coming back at night!

“Are they humans? Or monsters? Or human-like monsters?”

Their mouths slowly opened wide. After the fathers and mothers who were tied up in the bedroom saw the high life, bloodshot eyes appeared. They were like fishes thrown on the shore, shaking their bodies desperately, and while struggling violently, their throats began to Make a hoarse sound - stay here!

 Stay here! ! !

 Lighting a cigarette, Gao Ming leaned against the door frame and watched everything silently.

 He has been trapped in this room for three days, and the cause of the matter may have started three days ago.

 On the night of the Ghost Festival, he quit his job as a psychological counselor at Henshan Prison for Prisoners and prepared to engage in game design and creation full-time.

At 23:00, he took the last bus from Hanjiang City back to Hanhai City. At that time, he was designing a small game on the bus to enhance the relationship between family members and improve the quality of family relationships. In order to support himself, he also implanted the landlord's cake store advertising.

 The general content is that I hope parents can spend more time with their children, go home and chat with their children every night, and never ignore their children's feelings no matter how busy they are. Care is responsibility, and companionship is love.

The number of passengers on the bus gradually dwindled. Around one o'clock in the morning, the bus stopped in a tunnel for no apparent reason. Gao Ming took off his headphones and stood up to check, and found that he was the only one left on the bus, and even the driver was missing.

He got out of the car with his luggage and heard someone talking in front of him, so he followed him quietly.

A crucial part of his future memory was missing. Gao Ming didn’t even know how he got home. He only vaguely remembered that he saw something very terrifying.

Feared and uneasy, he locked himself at home, but at three o'clock in the morning he was woken up by a knock on the door. When he opened the door, he found his parentsStanding outside the door holding the cake.

Gao Ming invited his parents into the house. He went to get slippers, but at this time he received a call from his mother.

Mom said it will rain heavily in the next few days, and she hopes Gao Ming will take care of himself and pay attention to safety.

A chill instantly climbed up Gao Ming's back. When he turned around, he saw his father and mother standing side by side behind him with their heads lowered.

 Birthday cake, companionship, dad and mom...

 The scenes in the mini-game of improving the quality of family relationships have become reality, and there have been some "slight" changes!

He also tried to escape, but the outside of the security door was dark and gloomy, as if it was connected to another abnormal world.

 Having no choice, Gao Ming had no choice but to try to clear the game he designed.

 How difficult can it be to alienate family members through mini-games that enhance the relationship between family members? Doesn't it mean that when the lights are turned off, mom and dad will turn into monsters? Aren’t dad and mom coming over every night? Isn't it just a matter of living in a home that has been turned into a killing workshop, successfully living to the age of eighteen, and letting my father and mother accompany me?

Looking back on his experiences in the past three days, Gao Ming's eyelids were trembling. If nothing else, he never wanted to eat cake in his life.

 Putting out the cigarette butts, Gao Ming pushed the last two "parents" into the bedroom. The faces of all the fathers and mothers began to twist. They seemed unwilling to leave with Gao Ming.

“Every time my father and mother come home, the number of candles on the cake will increase. Turning eighteen is a coming-of-age ceremony. When eighteen candles appear, that’s when I pass the level.”

“I am very grateful for your company, but if you are really my father and mother, you will not let me stay here, but hope that I can take you away together.”

 When Gao Ming locked his father and mother in the bedroom before, they had never had such a violent reaction, and this happened to show that Gao Ming was about to finish the little game he designed.

  After closing the bedroom door, Gao Ming felt that the temperature in the room began to rise, the news broadcast on the TV became clearer, and the heavy rain outside the window seemed a little more real.

“It took three whole days before I could finally leave this hellish place.”

Hurry to the security door of the living room, Gao Ming looks out through the peephole. The corridor is no longer pitch black, and the dim lights flicker on and off, which seems to indicate that Gao Ming is leaving somewhere.

“My memory about that tunnel is a little vague. The reason why the game I made became a reality must be related to that tunnel!”

Gao Ming felt that he had to find out as soon as possible because he was a serious suspense enthusiast and there were more dead people in his mind than there were bodies buried in public cemeteries. If all this comes true, the whole city will be in danger.

ˆThe lights in the corridor gradually dispelled the darkness. Just as Gao Ming was about to try to open the door, rapid footsteps suddenly came from outside.

His heartbeat quickened, and he stared at the cat's eyes nervously, with veins bulging on his arms.

“You should have cleared the level!”

Holding his breath, Gao Ming stared at the corner of the stairs.

 A moment later, a man in a raincoat in his twenties and about 180 in height appeared outside the door. He looked gloomy and scanned the surrounding doors.

Gao Ming narrowed his eyes slightly. The figure of the man in the raincoat was almost the same as the surveillance video released by the police. His heart dropped back to his stomach.

“I was shocked. It turned out to be the Rainy Night Murderer. I thought my parents were back.”

 Looking back at the bedroom, there should be a reward for clearing the game, but Gao Xing didn't dare to get it. He found a bandage and wrapped it around his leg, pretending to be injured, holding a garbage bag and opening the security door.

Moist and fresh air poured into the room, and Gao Ming took a deep breath.

The man in the raincoat was about to leave, but he heard the sound of the door opening. Rain slid down the brim of his hat. He tried his best to hide the excitement in his eyes, turned around and grabbed the door panel.

“It’s raining hard outside and your clothes are soaked. Come in and warm yourself up.”

The man in the raincoat didn't even say a word, Gao Ming took the initiative to invite him, and then limped to heat the food on the table.

Seeing Gao Ming's defenseless appearance, the man in the raincoat entered the house. He glanced at Gao Ming's "injured" left leg, and then looked at the half-eaten cake. The warm atmosphere in the house further aroused his desire for destruction, making him He showed an extremely cruel smile.

This may be the last ordinary and warm night you spend.

 (End of this chapter)

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