
002 Family Korhal World

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After the family dinner, Augustus returned to his room from the dining room on the pretext that he needed an early rest.

The Mengsk family's manor villa built on a mountain cliff has hundreds of gorgeously decorated rooms inside. Corridors with mahogany floors and staircases covered with expensive carpets connect the various halls and floors together. There are more male servants than there are rooms. , maid and gardener for daily maintenance.

Augustus followed the memories he remembered and walked through the corridor where the gold-framed portraits of the Mengsk family ancestors were hung on the walls. He climbed the cherry blossom wood stairs and entered the floor with bedrooms and paper libraries, and finally stood above a door. He stopped in front of the room where the English bronze plaque "Au" was nailed with golden rivets.

Underneath the bronze medal is a promotional poster for the Terran Federation Marine Corps. The background of the poster is the surface of a lunar planet full of craters, and the deep black sky above. Several federal male and female officers, as handsome and beautiful as stars, were standing on a high raised sand dune. They gathered around with formulaic bright smiles, and each stretched out his hand to hold a flag fluttering in the wind.

The fake and ridiculous show, even the synthesized picture, is ten thousand times more real than this.

——This is what the original Augustus said about this poster. But despite this, he still posted it on the door, just to prove his determination to join the army to his father.

Next to Augustus' room are the bedrooms of Arcturus and Dorothy. The door of the former's room is only engraved with the same bronze plate with the English letters "AR" on it, while the door of the latter's room is engraved with the same bronze plate. Drawn an abstract purple pony. None of the doors had doorknobs or keychains. Where handles should have been, there were square grooves about two inches on a side and one inch deep.

Standing at the door, Augustus thought carefully for a moment. Then he inserted his right index finger deep into the groove. The head plate engraved with English letters immediately turned over. A small round camera protruded from the door and projected in front of him. A holographic projection screen with a bright blue background.

The words flashed on the screen: Facial recognition completed. Fingerprint recognition has been completed. Iris recognition is complete. Gene identification is complete. The record has been uploaded, the 24-hour genetic database is refreshed, and the lock is unlocked at 22:37, March 25, 2488 AD.

This is the world of StarCraft, a future world in the 25th century. But modern people may have no advantage at all when they come here.

There was a clang, and the door opened.

Augustus walked into the bedroom and turned on the chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The soft white light passed through the hollow ceiling carved with white patterns, immediately illuminating the entire bedroom. The furnishings of the bedroom are not considered luxurious. There is a bronze-framed lattice window on the wall opposite the door. Through the glass of the window, you can see the huge courtyard of the holiday villa. In the courtyard are the lush green gardens and gardens under the light.

These evergreen plants are vibrant and fragrant all year round. Thin gravel paths separate the green world and lead to the building where servants and guards live. Outside the fence, a wider and straighter asphalt roadThen it goes straight to the apron where the cold gray near-Earth spacecraft is parked and the underground garage filled with various hover cars and armed armored vehicles.

The other two walls each have a single bed and bookshelves filled with books. Hanging next to the bookshelves are some firearms, including handicraft-like muzzle-loading guns, colonial-era semi-automatic weapons and the latest electromagnetic guns.

It turns out that Augustus was very fond of firearms, not just for collecting, but he was also able to use these weapons skillfully. This was one of the reasons why Augustus wanted to join the army. If his brother Arcturus wanted to be a prospector, then Augustus' dream was to become a general across the galaxy.

Augustus lay on the bed and began to think about everything he would face in the future.

"Augustus Mengsk" does not exist in the original story. The Angus family originally had only one son and one daughter, but no second son. Rather than saying that he replaced Augustus, it is better to say that this character exists because of his own time travel.

His status as an ancient nobleman at least afforded Augustus some advantages. In the cruel world view of StarCraft, traveling through time with such an identity is not actually the worst thing.

Unfortunately, he had to go to the Federal Recruitment Center to officially serve as a new recruit tomorrow morning, so he had no other choice.

The Terran Federation implements a military recruitment system and does not force recruitment from all walks of life. However, after signing up and passing a series of enlistment tests, those who refuse to perform military service will be regarded as deserters. Due to the declining number of people enlisting in the military, this requirement was not included in federal law until the past two years.

The good news is that it is now the year 2488, and there are still more than ten years before the first contact between humans and the other two alien races in the StarCraft worldview, the protoss and the zerg. Augustus has not encountered anything incredible yet. of demons and monsters.

Regardless of the fact that the time traveler butterfly effect caused the first contact between humans and alien alien races to be advanced, Augustus will not encounter Zerg or Protoss until he successfully discharges his military service contract. Moreover, his brother Arcturus is now a colonel in the federal army. In the email he sent last week, he bluntly stated that Augustus will be transferred to his own army after the recruit training is completed.

Augustus sighed, stood up and walked to a floor-to-ceiling mirror, looking at his appearance after time travel for the first time.

The mirror reflected Augustus's handsome face, which was one of the proofs that he had the noblest and oldest bloodline of Terran humans.

Like all the men of the Mengsk family, Augustus is very handsome. He has high cheekbones, a nose that is almost hawk-like, a pair of bright and sharp cold gray eyes, and a fluffy dark gray short hair. Clean and tidy.

Average, ordinary, okay.

"Mengsk." Augustus whispered this ancient and noble surname softly. In the various factories and affiliated cities and towns established by the Mengsk family on Korhal, they are like a true royal family.

But Augustus remembered it very clearly, in the background of the game, because his fatherAngus deliberately rebelled and wanted to lead Korhal to overthrow the rule of the Tyranid Federation. Everyone in the Mengsk family except the eldest son Arcturus was later assassinated by three ghost agents of the Terran Federation.

As for the specific time, Augustus did not know.

By then, will he be able to prevent that tragedy from happening?

Of course, as a time traveler, Augustus also had reasons to ignore these and hide far away...

"Dong dong——"

At this time, Augustus suddenly heard the sound of the doorbell ringing, and the information processor behind the door showed that it was his sister Dorothy outside. Augustus hesitated for a moment, then walked over and opened the fingerprint lock on the door.

A girl with a silver-gray single ponytail walked in. She was wearing a lilac house dress and her bright cold gray eyes were shining. Her expression was so helpless, and her sad eyes clenched Augustus's heart for a moment.

In an instant, many memories flashed through Augustus's mind like electricity. Compared to the eldest son of the family, Arcturus, who was already twenty-eight years old, the age gap between him and his sister was not that big. Augustus spent a happy childhood with Dorothy, watching her grow from a little kid dragging a pony doll around to a graceful girl.

"Augustus..." Dorothy walked towards Augustus with her head lowered, and suddenly hit him in the stomach with a headbutt.

"They said you might die."

"I promise you that I will never die," said Augustus.

"You will write me a letter every week from now on." Dorothy raised her head, her beautiful cold gray eyes covered with a hazy mist.

Augustus could not find any reason to reject his sister.


he said.

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