
Chapter 1 Weird post

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Li Hui was lying on the bed, the screen of his mobile phone flashing with white light, reflecting his face.

The posts on his phone were all the same, until a title attracted him.

The end of science is philosophy, the end of philosophy is theology, and God I have never seen, I have seen the deepest darkness.

The post has a high follow-up rate, and the whole post is filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

"Master, don't be so nagging, I have also seen the deepest darkness, when I stared at the toilet."

"There's a foul smell upstairs. Report it."

Li Hui smiled and turned the page, but his eyes were attracted again by these words.

"Everyone, I'm not joking. I am a tombkeeper, a tombkeeper with a bachelor's degree. Because of the horrible and strange things that happened in the cemetery, the leader gave me a day off without saying a word. Of course, you have to ask me why. I can only tell you that it’s great to choose the job of being a tombkeeper!”

"Has the domestic employment environment reached such a crazy level?"

“It’s true that college students are inferior to dogs.”

"I think the original poster has avoided the detours of 70 or 80 years and got to the point of success in one step!"

Li Hui briefly looked at everyone's complaints, and then continued to look for the poster's name. The poster's name was somewhat interesting, it was called the shit cook behind the scenes.

Li Hui was not interested in the poster's bad taste, nor was he interested in the complaints, so he directly clicked on the option to only see the poster.

What follows is this: On that day, I patrolled the cemetery at night as usual. You also know that there will be no living people in the cemetery, except myself.

But late at night, I suddenly found an old man standing in front of a tomb. When I shined a flashlight on him, I found that he was wearing a shroud.

Moreover, his expression was lifeless, there was not a single hair on his head, there were spots all over his body, and a pungent stench could be smelled from a long distance away.

By the way, I took a photo from a distance at that time.

Li Hui looked at the photo. It was different from what he imagined. The photo was very clear. It was just that the old man's face could not be clearly seen. However, the surroundings and even the bare head of the old man could be clearly seen. The yellow-brown rotten spots all over the old man's body looked real. As if he had been dead for a long time.

The poster's post continues: I was so scared at that time that although I wanted to take a look, I remembered some old sayings.

As the old saying goes, if you don't do anything wrong, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. I didn't do anything wrong, and this thing definitely won't knock on the door. Thinking of this, I quickly slipped back to the dormitory and closed the door.

I could still see the old man in my dormitory. He just stood motionless. I was so frightened that I couldn't bear it, so I took a big sip of wine.

Of course, I'm not trying to be brave, I'm just trying to let the alcohol hypnotize me to fall asleep as quickly as possible.

The tense atmosphere suddenly dissipated a lot.

Li Hui thought he was trying to coax people to find out what was going on. When he clicked on the comments and saw that other people were scolding the poster, Li Hui, he felt relieved.

Continue reading the post: The next day I went to the place where the old man stood at night.

The next thing happened that made me completely lose my mind. The photo on the tombstone looked like the old man I saw yesterday!

ReallyDamn it, I quickly reported the matter.

The people above just thought that I was too tired and asked me to rest for a few days, but I am sure that I saw it right. I have had no problem with my eyesight from childhood to adulthood!

Who can believe me? Well, it doesn’t matter if you don’t believe me, and I don’t mind getting a free break, but what happened next was even more unacceptable to me.

Since I slept well last night, I ate in the morning...

Li Hui frowned, wondering why this guy was rambling here and there, talking about a bunch of irrelevant things, and continued to scroll down the post. It was not until about 11 o'clock in the evening that the poster resumed normal updates.

That night I just went to bed and closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes again, I was back in the cemetery again!

It’s this old man again. This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that I am still wearing pajamas with Peppa Pig tattooed on them!

The poster posted another photo, this one of him wearing pink Peppa Pig pajamas.

But this photo with childlike innocence is the photo he really wants to send out.

The photo is hardly any different from the first one, which is certainly not the one with Peppa Pig in her pajamas.

Li Hui frowned and stared at the photo. At this moment, he suddenly found that the old man's face seemed to slowly become clearer.

Especially his eyes, which were dark and empty, and filled with dead silence.

It seems like what the original poster said, it is the deepest darkness in the world!

There is no blood or weirdness in the photo. The old man just stood there with his head lowered, creating a trembling and terrifying photo.

A dead person, or even... a ghost! ?

Li Hui took a cold breath, as if the darkness in the room was getting closer to him.

Guys, I ran away. I really don’t have the heart to post anymore. Damn it!

I'm back again, d. The old man seems to have noticed me. The cemetery is too big. I don't know if I got rid of him. I don't dare to look back.

There was an annoying sound of footsteps coming from behind me, which really made me want to vomit.

If I don't update the post next, please kindly help me call the demon spirit. This is Longhua Cemetery, and my mobile phone number is...

The post ended abruptly here. Li Hui glanced at the date and took a deep breath.

The date was five days ago, and the first time the poster posted was around one o'clock in the morning six days ago.

Nearly a week has passed since then. If something had happened, he would have died long ago.

"Brother, I've called the police for you. Just hold on."

"D, why do I feel like I hear disgusting footsteps?"

"Brothers, it's early in the morning, don't be scary..."

After opening the comments, someone actually helped call the police, but the original poster never updated this post again.

Li Hui muttered about Longhua Cemetery and opened the search engine. There were three pieces of information about Longhua Cemetery, and the nearest one was three hundred kilometers away from his city.

"It's already this hour before I know it. I have to go to bed quickly."

Li Hui muttered and put down his phone. He was just an editor who enjoyed the 996 blessings and was exploited by a sinister boss. He would read these on weekdays.It’s all for the sake of material, and I have to squeeze into the subway tomorrow morning.

When the screen of his mobile phone went out, darkness enveloped the room, as if countless pairs of eyes appeared in the darkness.

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