
Chapter 1 Pan-Solar System Mechanical Martial Arts Competition

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"Viewers from the Solar System Alliance, the S10 Pan-Solar System Mechanical Martial Arts Competition has come to a successful conclusion. Let us congratulate the warriors of the NUP Lunar Federation for winning the team championship with a huge advantage of 25,000 points in total. The runner-up is the warriors of the ROM Mars Federation. We, the third place is Earth Federation USE, the fourth place is Titan and Starry Space City United Autonomous State TAS, thank them for their wonderful battle for us.”

This most watched event in the human world has come to an end after more than a month of fierce battle. NUP defended its dominance and further widened the gap. As of S10, NUP has six championships and USE has two championships. ROM has two. In the previous games, the three major federations took over alternately, but recently NUP has shown dominance.

The final night of the Solar System Martial Arts Competition is also called Super Starlight, and at the much-anticipated S10, the organizers invited the most popular super idol Arths to sing five songs in a row on Super Starlight, making S10 the Martial Arts Competition. A classic session.

In fact, Arths doesn't know much about mechas, but the organizers looked at the thatched cottage three times and realized that the strongest competition requires the most popular idols to match. Finally, Arths was moved by his sincerity and this grand event was held. The combination of beautiful girls and heroes is absolutely beautiful.

The month-and-a-half-long competition attracted more than 20 billion viewers in the solar system. Whether it was the ultra-high level displayed or the classic songs presented by Arths, it was an unprecedented event.

It was just that the strong competition between the Earth and the Moon that was expected before the game turned out to be the Moon's dominance. Not only did it win, but it also widened the gap. What was even more surprising was that ROM actually overtook USE. This also surprised many people. The Martians finally won. The fur suit mecha direction has found its own style, and the bravery of the Martian warriors, especially the fighting spirit of daring to win in danger at critical moments, is fully displayed.

Compared with the praise from the outside world, the Martians themselves are very dissatisfied. They have only one goal, to become the first among mankind.

At this time, Olympus Mons, the highest peak in the solar system on Mars, has begun a new round of special training.

From a certain point of view, the mecha competition is also a contest of comprehensive national strength. NUP has already taken the lead in economy and technology, and it is only a matter of time before it becomes the de facto leader of the Solar System Alliance. Mars has also made great progress in the past few decades through hard work and courage. , and even TAS showed its own unique style in this competition. The "Giant God Soldier" series of mechas may seem bulky, but they are full of attack power. As a former leader of the solar system and aiming to win the championship, USE can only use one word Description - lackluster.

The stage creates heroes.

This competition selected the "Top Ten Ace Pilots", "Top Ten Ace Mechas", and "Top Ten Military Academies of the Solar System". Seven of the top ten pilots were from the Moon, which is known as the new "Big Dipper". ".

NUP's Alex Star Mechanical and Military Academy became the number one military academy in the solar system of the year and won the God of War Trophy, which represents the highest honor.

S10 was a carnival for the Moon People. They completed their second two consecutive championships and once again won the third consecutive championship.Chance.

After one competition, fame and fortune were gained, and it also proved once again that the light and medium-sized super mecha positioned by NUP, that is, the 50-ton to 60-ton class, will become mainstream in the future.

At this time on Earth, there is a dormitory in Tianjing, the largest city in Asia.

"Damn it, little fat guy, my eyes are almost pierced. I really don't understand you. What's the point of being able to see but not touch?" Ma Long, who was wearing a handsome white shirt and light-colored jeans, couldn't help complaining. He was particularly special. It is incomprehensible that this kind of spiritual satisfaction alone can be achieved.

"Ma Long, you don't understand. Arths is my goddess!" Zuo Xiaotang stared at the screen intently, not even willing to lick the screen. He is a die-hard fan of Arths and a member of the Tianjing fan group. Not only is Arths his He is his idol and his spiritual support. The little fat boy has the best personality in the dormitory. He has been working hard in the dormitory this year, but there is one thing that he will not recognize anyone who dares to cheat on Arths.

"You, a thousand birds in the forest is not as good as a bird in the hand, be more grounded as a person." Ma Long curled his lips, arths is poisonous, don't watch more, it will become addictive, even a experienced man like Ma Long can't stand it.

The boy on the far left is watching the awards and playing with dumbbells. He is covered in solid muscles, and he is also the best in the dormitory. Musashi, nicknamed "The Man", is not a scumbag, he is a steel man.

"I have to admit that NUP players have advantages in mecha understanding, physical fitness, and combat skills." Musashi watched the Tianxun live broadcast full of envy, "Brother Hao, you really guessed it, but I always feel that it is light The mecha is flawed, and this defeat is due to underestimation of the enemy. This year will be different.”

Before the start of the game, the other three people thought that Earth was a contender, but the result was a defeat. If not for the overall strength of Titan, Earth might have been at the bottom.

"The right one is the best," Ma Long shrugged. "The Lunar Man's Yiwent has the highest degree of natural gene selection and has innate advantages. Various new mechas are difficult to get started and require a lot of physical effort, but they can be used to their full potential." The upper limit is also high and the performance is rich. The Lunar Man is determined to take the high-end route and leave others behind. "

"When are you going to eat?" Li Hao touched his belly.

"It's not dinner time yet. I'm going to invite brothers today to welcome the new year tomorrow. You all can come and help me. Brothers working together can be as powerful as gold."

Classmate Ma Long is the president of the photography club. His wish is to record youth and beauty.

Dormitory 4396 is quite famous in Tianjing Jiwu A-level military academy. As the number one military academy in Asia, it must be a gathering of elites. Li Hao, Zuo Xiaotang, Musashi and Ma Long are from the 87th class, among which Musashi is the special one. The Wu family is quite famous in Asia, not to mention Tianjing. He is from a martial arts family and has good skills. He spoke on behalf of the new students of the mecha department last year. Ma Long is a male and loves girls. He is from Longgang City. He is specially recruited from the Star Wars department. He became famous immediately at the freshman party. Within a week, he managed to marry the sophomore sister Sheng Man. She is the president of the dance club and a beauty in the journalism department. , from then on, the two stayed together and flew together. They were a couple of gods and gods, and they sprinkled dog food on each other and tortured them in bed.Friends in the room don't want it.

As for Li Hao and Zuo Xiaotang, they are both born and raised in Tianjing. Zuo Xiaotang is a bit chubby. His round face is cute and harmless. His fighting style is serious and he is rubbish in close combat. But He is very talented in shooting, especially sniping. It is said that the teachers also argued about it when he was admitted.

Li Hao, the dormitory manager of 4396,... is the oldest. He applied for the Journalism Department of Tianjing Jiwu. He was transferred to the Mecha Department for some reason. At first, Musashi and Ma Long had some objections. After all, he was young. People hate people who go through the back door the most. In Ma Long's words, it doesn't matter if you go through the back door. You have some information. Where is the information?

At the beginning, Li Hao was not angry at all the criticisms. Later, he learned from Zuo Xiaotang that Li Hao was an orphan and had no back door. He was also confused and relieved. As a buddy in the trenches, they quickly became friends.

"Brother Hao, Fatty, you two really need to be careful this semester. You know we have changed the principal, right? The Federation is going to undergo a major surgery this time, and Major General Long Danni is not easy to mess with. You two really need to work hard. Come on, Brother Hao, don’t use virtual mode for your EMP training, it’s useless except for fun,” Ma Long said.

The EMP system was developed by the Solar System Alliance Research Headquarters and covers the mecha types of the four major alliances. It will also be updated in due course. It is divided into two modes, virtual mode and real mode. The virtual mode is an experience and is open to everyone. , anyone can enjoy the fun of mecha, which is also an important reason why the mecha competition has so many fans.

Professional military cadets or amateur players with a rating of over 500 and passing the physical test can obtain the real mode.

Real mode, you can experience 70% of the impact and physical burden caused by real mecha collisions, which requires professionalism.

At the beginning, the alliance opened up the virtual mode because of funding problems. They thought it would be a small thing to raise some funds. There was no publicity at all, but it became popular out of control. In the future, even the alliance could not bear to give up such a large piece of income. , has now become an absolutely mainstream entertainment model. What is surprising is that women account for 40% of the virtual model, which is quite astonishing.

According to the EMP scoring rules, the score for winning in virtual mode is very low and is mainly for entertainment. Therefore, top players can only score four to five hundred points at most, and high scores must be obtained in real mode.

For example, in this Pan-Solar System Competition, the basic conditions for registration in the Asian region are an EMP score of 1,200 or above, or an A-level rating in a certain individual ability.

The best scorer in dormitory 4396 is Musashi. His year-end score is 1296. He has no special score. This year he feels that he is a master of more than 2000, followed by Ma Long with 1020. You must know that Ma Long is majoring in starship, which is quite good. Now that I'm high school, I'm a typical pick-up girl and study well. I also have hobbies like photography and drama, and my life is rich and colorful.

Li Hao and Zuo Xiaotang scored about 800 points, but Zuo Xiaotang got an A- score in shooting training. The only thing that worried everyone was Li Hao. In fact, all three of them knew that Li Hao was very "very good" throughout the first year. effort", super self-disciplined, often disappearing early in the morning, and bringing breakfast to everyone when he comes back. He is the one who gets hit the most by EMP, but his score seems to be only about 800, which means his winning rate must be a bit tragic, but even if he is in a dormitory Everyone is too embarrassed to ask more questions.

"Don't worry, I will use the virtual mode less in the future. Even for you, I can't leave. Without me, I feel like you will all starve to death." Li Hao said with a smile.

"Brother Hao, if you can help me, just ask, don't be polite!" Ma Long said, patting his chest. Although his major was not machine warfare, he was quite confident in his own level.

Musashi, on the other hand, glanced at Li Hao and said nothing more.

In the evening, Ma Long went on a date with his schoolgirl, euphemistically called it the last supper. In the new year, his main goal is to meet his schoolgirl.

As a young fan, Zuo Xiaotang is a very busy person. The recent performance of Arhts in the Jiwu Competition has made her reach a higher level. As die-hard fans, they are very happy and have a lot of things to do. Tianxun News There are always two or three in the top ten hot searches related to Arths. Although in life, the little fat guy is soft and has no temper. Once he enters the fandom state, it is called a big open and big house.

Li Hao and Musashi went to the EMP building together. The 18-story building was brightly lit. This is also one of the landmark buildings of Tianjing Jiwu. There are many people who like to train, and of course there are also "abuses".

This is called training and entertainment.

"Brother Hao, although Ma Long likes to brag, he is really not exaggerating this time. The failure of the competition made the senior management angry, especially several EMP records were taken away by the moon people. Our old principal actually has three years to retire, and he will leave directly now. Now, almost all the major military academies have been replaced by young men. Mecha and starship types can't mix. If you need to train your opponent, I can do it at any time," Musashi said.

Musashi didn't talk much in the dormitory and was very active in training. If it weren't for his lack of qualifications, he could have participated in last year's competition according to his level. Of course, judging from the level of the competition, he was still not ready. After a year of training this year, it is really possible for him to achieve results. of.

Li Hao patted Musashi and said, "Don't worry, I know..."

"Brother Hao, I have actually noticed that you have gone to EMP more times than me, but you have to pay attention to methods, especially since the virtual mode is really unusable. The more you fail, the more you have to get back the feeling from actual combat. Our physical condition is too The advantage is that it's fun, but it doesn't have any benefits. I feel that Principal Long will ban military students from using virtual mode this year. Any operation without enough endurance and burden is just a trick," Musashi said seriously.

Li Hao touched his nose. Musashi was a straight-tempered person and did not speak in roundabout ways. "Okay, okay, I swear, I really don't need the virtual mode. I will study hard and make progress every day!"

Actually...well, how should I put it, he really didn't use the virtual mode, but he also used the virtual mode.

Musashi chose a computer room and went in. Li Hao smiled. Suddenly the sky signal rang. Li Hao glanced at it, his eyes flashed with a strange color, and the next moment he returned to normal.

There is an additional anonymous email in Tianxun.

(I started preparing the new book last year. It’s not just for retirement. ^_^ The process was a lot of work.I almost felt it all the time, but then I ate a peach and realized something, and I came up with this Mecha Storm. It has the passion of mecha combat in the Storm series, and also has some new things. I want to share this with everyone, brothers. Please give me some opinions. The previous one should have been about youth and passion, but now this one is about an old man, with more aftertaste and suspense. I have saved some of them, click to collect them, thank you! )

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