
Chapter 1 Artificial Mutant Experiment No. 757

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"Doctor, the test results of subject 757 are out."

"What level?"

"Level 2."

"Level 2, that is, even if the ability is fully developed, it can only do shallow mind reading and magnetic control of no more than 50 kilograms?"

"Yes, Doctor, according to our current research data on mutants."

"It seems that it is impossible to merge the genes of Professor X and Magneto to create the strongest artificial mutant.

Let's stop this experiment and focus on the research of X-24. , he is our strongest weapon!"

"Should the experimental subject No. 757 be disposed of like the previous experimental subjects?"

"Keep it and train it with those kids. After all, it is a genetic fusion of Professor X and Magneto. Even if it is only level 2, it will be useful if it is well developed."

"Yes, Doctor!"

"No. 757, be decisive and ruthless. Attack my vitals. Don't hesitate, you waste!"

On the training ground, a muscular man holding a dagger was launching a fierce attack on a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old.

The young man used his ability to control the dagger to defend and block, while trying to find an opportunity to fight back with his fists, but it was obvious that he was not skilled enough and could not make a good judgment.

"Also controlling magnetism, my control of magnetism is too inferior to Magneto's."

The young man's surname is Qiao Mingzhi. He is a time traveler. Three months ago, he traveled through the body of this artificial genetic mutant called experimental subject No. 757.

His mutant abilities are mind reading and magnetic control.

Unfortunately, his mind reading can only succeed when the opponent is completely unprepared, and it can only read the current mental state, not the memory deep in the mind.

And his control over magnetism is even worse.

At present, he can only control things weighing less than ten kilograms. Although it is not bad if used well, it is far inferior to Magneto who can lift the entire stadium at any time.

It is okay to deal with ordinary people, but if you encounter a person who is good at defense like the Stone Man, Colossus and the White Queen, you can't break the defense at all.

His current goal is to find a way to escape from this cruel laboratory.

"Ring, ring, ring"

A harsh bell rang, and a staff member in a white coat came in, stopped the training, and put a high-tech instrument on his neck:

"Experimental subject No. 757, you should have dinner!"


George replied in a somewhat stiff voice, and then followed the staff member out of the room very obediently.

The instrument worn on his neck is called a "mutant inhibitor". Once worn on his neck, his abilities will completely disappear and he will become an ordinary person.

Normally, he must wear this inhibitor except for training and fighting.

Walking in the long corridor, in addition to him, there are many mutants brought out by staff from various training grounds.

However, they are younger and look only twelve or thirteen years old.

"Marvel world, this is really a dangerous world."

Seeing this scene, George couldn't help but sigh.

From the moment he knew that he was a mutant, he knew that he came to the Marvel world.

He still knows a little about Marvel, after all, he occasionally watches movies, but he is not a senior Marvel fan.

As far as he knows, there are many universes in the Marvel world, and the stories that happen in different universes are also different, but it is certain that few universes are peaceful.

It's not too scary to make half of the people in the entire universe disappear like Thanos did, and it's normal for some to lose a whole universe.

But since you have come here, you can only try to survive.

Who wants to die when they can live? He is a person who loves life very much. If possible, he wants to be immortal.

Some people say that immortality is a curse. Watching people around him die one by one is very painful.

But he thinks that compared with the benefits of immortality, the small price is nothing.

Who in our great Chinese does not want to cultivate immortality? The old Qin unified the six kingdoms and sent his men to find him the elixir of immortality.

Based on his observations in the past month, he can now roughly determine that the Marvel world he is in may have a lot of connections with the world of Wolverine 3.

Because he saw the little wolf girl among these children, X-23, who has the same self-healing ability and adamantium claws as Wolverine.

But what makes him feel strange is that the current time is not 2029 in the movie, but 2009.

And from the usual gossip of those staff members, we can also learn that this universe also has playboy Tony Stark and Captain America.

According to the timeline of Wolverine 3, the little wolf girl was not born in 2009, but the little girl in front of him with a determined look is obviously about twelve or thirteen years old.

So this is not the mutant universe, nor the Marvel movie universe, but a Marvel universe that he doesn't know.

"It doesn't matter if the time doesn't match, as long as what should happen can happen."

Whether it is 2029 or 2009, it doesn't really matter to him. He just hopes that the mutant children can escape from prison as usual, so that he can have a chance to escape from this laboratory.

According to the plot of Wolverine 3, it shouldn't be long before a kind female nurse will help these mutant children escape from the laboratory.

In order to maintain an honest, obedient and easy-to-control personality, George, as usual, did not communicate with anyone. After dinner, he quietly returned to his room and closed his eyes to sleep.

The entire laboratory is full of surveillance cameras. He must hide any emotions to prevent being seen as abnormal, so as to reduce the staff's vigilance against him.

In order to reduce vigilance, he even deliberately hid some of his strength during training, such as controlling the speed of the dagger attack and some ideas about his abilities.

Of course, he can't show too much, otherwise he might be treated as garbage.

"What's going on, it hurts!"

In his sleepy eyes, George suddenly felt a pain as if his soul was torn apart, but this pain came and went quickly, and did not torture him too much.

But after the pain, he found that he seemed to have entered a very strange state.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and two completely different perspectives appeared in his eyes.

One is the vision of his laboratory bedroom that he can see normally now, and the other is in a very shabby small compartment.

At the same time, he felt that he suddenly had another body, and that body could be controlled as freely as his current body.

How to describe it?

It was like he suddenly had an extra clone that he could control.

The original body closed his eyes and lay back on the bed, and he focused his mind mainly on the clone.

Suddenly, a series of memories flashed through his mind like a movie. After these memories flashed, he couldn't help but mutter:

"Here. It turned out to be Harry Potter's wizard world!"

The eleven-year-old child in the memory was called Dora. She was originally an orphan in an orphanage. Later, because of the strange performance of wizard blood, she was adopted by a wizard in Knockturn Alley.

But this wizard is not a good person, but a hidden dark wizard.

The purpose of his adoption of Dora was just to conduct dark magic experiments and potion experiments, plus an extra free labor.

After all, if Muggles were used for experiments, it would easily attract the attention of the Ministry of Magic, but using his own adopted son was different.

As long as he doesn't say it, who can find out? Even if he dies accidentally one day, it can be said that it was an accident.

Moreover, many black magic and potions have different effects on Muggles and wizards. Only by using wizards can the effect be better tested.

In this way, poor Dora grew up under the torture of the black wizard.

Because of the long-term torture, Dora's character is very cowardly. He dare not resist the black wizard, nor dare to tell others about his situation. He lives a miserable life every day, which is worse than that of a house elf.

Dora originally hoped that Hogwarts would enroll at the age of eleven so that he could escape the clutches of the black wizard.

Unfortunately, he did receive an admission notice, but the black wizard did not intend to let him go to Hogwarts to study.

For a little wizard born in a Muggle family, as long as he is eleven years old, he will definitely be admitted to Hogwarts regardless of whether his parents agree or not.

Because if the little wizard does not learn magic, does not know how to dredge magic, and has fear and disgust for his unknown abilities, he is likely to become an Obscurus under extreme emotions, which is absolutely not allowed in the magic world.

But for children of wizards, there are not so many requirements.

Wizard parents can not only choose Hogwarts, but also other magic schools such as Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, and Ilvermorny.

They can even send their children to magic training classes for cheap, or wizard parents can teach their children magic themselves.

Dora completely collapsed after learning from the dark wizard that she could not go to Hogwarts and committed suicide by drinking potion in her cubicle at night.

And for some reason, George's split soul occupied Dora's body at this time and became the new owner of this body.

"It's really miserable."

After reading Dora's memory, George couldn't help but sigh.

"Come here!"

I don't know if it was the sequelae of Dora's suicide by taking potion. George felt very thirsty now, and subconsciously activated his ability to the iron cup on the table.

And the cup quickly flew into his hands.

He raised his hand and drank the water in the cup in one gulp, and George was suddenly stunned.

"My ability. I can actually use this body to activate it!"

Yes, he just used the mutant's control over magnetism, but it was not the original body that was using it, but the clone in this world.

"Could it be that the innate abilities of the two worlds can be shared?"

At this time, George had a bold guess in his mind.

Turn his attention to the original body again, and he did find that there was something more in Marvel's original body.

In terms of wizard common sense in Dora's memory, that is the unique magic in the wizard's blood.

"If that's the case, that would be great!"

At this moment, a series of plans have been unfolding in George's mind

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