
Chapter 1 Three Talents

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I could only vaguely hear an old voice outside saying: "Congratulations, Mr. Jiang, your lady is very happy."

"It's just that my wife is old, and this baby will have a good life."

"Thank you, Doctor Liu."

Li Yi became increasingly sleepy and fell asleep again.

Several months passed in the blink of an eye.

Li Yi already understood his current situation.

He actually became a fetus.

His mother's name is Jiang Li, and his father, Jiang Dahai, is a businessman.

The couple had three children, all girls.

Jiang Dahai desperately hopes that this child will be a son.

Li Yi was awake for a short time and slept most of the time.

Not knowing how long it took, Li Yi felt as if a force was squeezing him downwards.

He understood immediately.

Most likely the day of delivery has arrived.

So, Li Yi jumped down with all his strength.


A loud cry.

Li Yi was born.

Po Wen hurriedly went out to announce the good news: "Congratulations to the master, congratulations to the master, he is a capable young master!"

"Rewards, there are rewards for many!"

Jiang Dahai was overjoyed when he heard this.

He is also considered to have a son at an old age, and his excitement is palpable.

Li Yi cried for a while and felt tired, so he closed his eyes.

As soon as he closed his eyes, Li Yi felt as if he was in endless darkness.

In the darkness, Li Yi actually vaguely saw a bright sun, a blood moon and a black hole.

These three celestial bodies hang high in the sky.

Li Yi is currently located in the center of the three celestial bodies.

He looked up.

There was actually a looming, majestic palace above his head, just standing in the void.

Looking from a distance, three celestial bodies seem to be guarding the palace.

The palace was looming, and Li Yi could vaguely see the words on the palace plaque.

But it was very blurry and couldn't be seen clearly.

"What is this place?"

Li Yi lowered his head and looked at himself.

He is no longer in a baby state, but is like a mist, floating in the void.

"Have I become an illusion?"

Li Yi tried to float up to the palace.

The results are really good.

He slowly floated up and arrived outside the palace.

He saw the font on the palace plaque.

Li Yi didn't know these four words.

However, when he saw these four unfamiliar fonts, deep in his consciousness, he suddenly understood the meaning of these four characters.

"Yanwu Temple!"

Li Yi knew the name of the palace.

When Li Yi tried to enter the palace, he found that he could not even enter the stairs outside the palace.

There seemed to be an invisible force blocking him.

Li Yi has come to his senses now. This is probably his "golden finger".

Unfortunately, I cannot enter the Yanwu Temple.

Then Li Yi could only look up at the three celestial bodies in the void.

These three celestial bodies are so unique that it is difficult not to notice them.

He stared up at the bright sun.

A piece of information immediately came to mind.

“Visualize the Great Sun to increase your roots and bones.”

Li Yi was shocked and doubtful, and stared at the blood moon and black hole again.

"Visualizing the blood moon increases understanding."

"Visualizing a black hole increases spirituality."

Li Yi was thoughtful.

Roots, understanding, and spirit are the talents of everyone.

Talent is inherently fixed and cannot be changed.

But just by visualizing these three celestial bodies, you can actually increase these three talents.

Li Yi immediately understood what a huge opportunity this was? He immediately tried to visualize the great sun.

Li Yi stared at the sun closely and began to outline the shape of the sun in his mind.

Now Li Yi could only see a relatively blurry sun.

But even so, it would take a long time to fully visualize the sun in your mind.

One hour, two hours, three hours...

I don’t know how long it took.

Li Yi finally visualized the big sun.


Picture the Great Sun in your mind.

But in an instant, Li Yi felt as if he was in endless flames.


Li Yi felt endless pain.

It was the pain of being burned alive.

However, the time was short.

In an instant he was "disappeared into ashes."


Li Yi opened his eyes.

He looked around with a somewhat startled look.

The maid occasionally leaned on the cradle and took a nap.

"Am I okay?"

Li Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

It is painful to contemplate the Great Sun.

Even thinking about it now, Li Yi felt terrible, and even had a trace of fear deep in his heart.

However, Li Yi also knew that this was his biggest opportunity.

No matter how painful it is, you have to endure it.

Moreover, visualizing the great sun onlyIt will be painful, but it will not die.

Thinking of this, Li Yi gritted his teeth and closed his eyes again.


Sure enough, Li Yi returned to the space of Yanwu Temple.

He already had some guesses.

This space of the Yanwu Temple is probably his consciousness space.

He can come in or leave here at any time.

Li Yi looked at the big sun in the sky, and finally gritted his teeth and continued to visualize.

"It still hurts..."

Li Yi still couldn't hold on for even a second, and left the conscious space in an instant.

But Li Yi was determined and returned to the consciousness space again and again, continuing to contemplate the great sun.

Once, twice, three times...

I don’t know how many times it has passed.

"The root bone increases..."

A line of small words appeared in front of Li Yi's eyes.

At the same time, an illusory panel appeared in front of Li Yi.

Bone: 1.1 Comprehension: 1.1 Spirit: 1.3 These are his three talent data.

Normal is "1".

All three of his statistics exceed "1", which shows that his talent is not bad in the first place and is better than the average person.

Especially the "spirit" is much better than the average person.

"Visualizing the sun is painful, but what about visualizing the blood moon and the black hole?"

Li Yi still wanted to try it.

So he tried visualizing the blood moon.

Suddenly, Li Yi seemed to be in a world of ice and snow, and an extremely cold pain instantly hit his heart.

Just like visualizing the great sun, Li Yi couldn't hold on for a second before his consciousness collapsed and exited the conscious space.

Finally, visualize a black hole.

This one is scarier.

Li Yi seemed to be crushed to pieces by a terrifying force, and finally collapsed and exited the space of consciousness.

“The roots, understanding, and spirit can all be enhanced by contemplating the three celestial bodies.”

"It's just that the specific increase needs to be tested."

Li Yi was thoughtful.

In the blink of an eye, more than three months passed by.

Today is Li Yi's 100-day banquet.

Mr. Jiang was not stingy, he invited relatives and friends, and even set up a flowing banquet to entertain the whole city.

Even a beggar can get a hearty meal by saying a few auspicious words.

"Congratulations, Mr. Jiang."

"The young master looks really strong."

"According to Chengdong God's fortune-telling, it is extremely expensive for Li to tell the young master's fortune."

Many people were teasing Li Yi.

The infant Li Yi was too lazy to pay attention.

He already has a new name, which was chosen by Li, the divine strategist from the east of the city. His single name is "Hao". It is said that this word is extremely precious.

Of course Mr. Jiang was happy and rewarded the fortune teller Li with a full ten taels of silver.

Li Yi was tired, and Mrs. Jiang took Li Yi back to the house.

"Xiaohu, actually, for my mother's sake, I want to name you Jiang Fan. You can just be ordinary for the rest of your life..."

Xiaohu is Li Yi's nickname, which means his body is as strong and healthy as a tiger.

Li Yi shook his head when he heard this.

The name Jiang Fan is not ordinary.

Anyone who dares to call this name is not an ordinary person.

In comparison, Long Aotian's name like "Jiang Hao" seems to be nothing.

After Jiang Hao had eaten and drank enough, he entered the consciousness space.

Root: 1.4 Comprehension: 1.1 Spirit: 1.3 Jiang Hao saw his current three talent data, but his comprehension and spirit had not changed much.

The root bone increased from 1.1 to 1.4, an increase of 0.3.

It increases by almost 0.1 every month.

As for whether the 0.1 data is less or more, Jiang Hao doesn't know.

Because he still couldn't feel the huge changes in his body.

The only feeling is that his body is relatively healthy and strong.

Three months after he was born, Jiang Hao had never been sick.

This may be related to the increase in his root bones.

After three months, Jiang Hao's test has come to an end.

He also understood the speed at which the three talents of visualizing celestial bodies increased.

Now there has to be a trade-off.

In the future, should the three talents be increased equally, or should we devote all our efforts to increasing one talent?This needs to be thought about carefully.

Jiang Hao still doesn't quite understand what these three talents represent.

In the case of uncertainty, average increase is the safest.

"I'm only three months old now, and I still can't figure out what these three talents mean."

"When I can speak, I can start to find out what the three talents are all about. Then I can re-formulate the growth plan for the three talents."

So Jiang Hao made a plan to visualize a celestial body every ten days.

His foundation, understanding, and spiritual talents are all growing steadily.

ps: The new book has set sail, please support me!        (End of this chapter)

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