
Chapter 1: Job hunting is not easy

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"Are you here to apply for a job? What's your name?"

"Leon...Leon Lane."


Hearing this familiar surname, the bored female interviewer behind the desk raised her eyebrows, looked up at the thin young man with food in front of the desk, and asked with slight surprise:

"Ryan...Duke Lionheart's Ryan?"


The job-seeking young man seemed to be used to being asked this question. He shook his head slightly and explained directly and skillfully:

"Although the pronunciation is the same, the surname of the Lion-Hearted King is taken from the golden lion 'Lian' on the family crest, and my surname is taken from the 'Lian' in Lane County. Our ancestors seem to be commoners from there."

"Oh... I guess so."

The red-haired woman nodded with a clear face, amused at her own sensitivity.

That annoying family that is proud of its pure blonde hair has only produced a few people with hair of other colors. How could it possibly have descendants with black hair and black eyes? And he was reduced to finding a job here?

After looking at Leon's clothes and staring at his old coat, which was cleanly starched but had its lining exposed at the edges, the red-haired woman seemed to have lost interest in him and lowered her head again. , and then he scratched something on the list with a quill, and said absently:

"Then the family status will be filled in as civilians. Others include education level, whether you have religious beliefs, whether you have received prosthetic modifications, whether you have a micro differential machine implanted under the skin, and what specific crimes you have committed. You should report these items one by one. Bar."

Um? etc! What specific crime was committed?

Leon couldn't help being slightly startled when he heard this, and then asked with some confusion:

"Excuse me, the last item you just mentioned refers to my 'whether I have a criminal history', right?"


Hearing Leon's question, the red-haired woman couldn't help but frown, then she flexed her knuckles and tapped the table hard twice, scolding unceremoniously:

"I advise you to be honest! This is a cleanup bureau, not a court! If you hadn't committed a serious crime that required you to be hanged, would you have come to apply for a job in a place like this? Just tell the truth about what you committed. Don't try to play tricks on me. head!"

? !

No... I'm just looking for a job, why am I still involved with the gallows?

Tsk, you are so secretive, you can see that you are not doing anything good at first glance!

Looking at Leon who didn't know how to answer for a while, the red-haired woman opposite snorted with some disdain, then knocked on the table hard again, and said with a cold face like an interrogator:

“Let me reiterate for the last time, this is a cleanup bureau, not a court!

I neither know nor have the interest to judge you. The reason why I want to ask you what crime you have committed is because I want to report your name and cancel the wanted order in the kingdom for you, so you'd better tell the truth! To avoid getting yourself into trouble, do you understand? "

Wanted order?

After smacking the red-haired woman's words, Leon's pupils shrank slightly when he realized something was wrong, and then he cautiously opened his mouth to confirm: "Excuse me...are you the No. 1 Cleaning Bureau in the Royal Capital?"


Cleaning bureau?

This time, it was a different person who was stunned. The red-haired woman thought for a moment and seemed to understand something.

After looking at the other person's body that looked a little thin due to long-term malnutrition, the red-haired woman who had just looked disgusted was silent for a moment, then sat up straight and pointed out the window, lowered her voice and frowned and reminded:

"You went to the wrong place. This is... the Sixth Anomaly Cleaning Bureau. It is a non-staff department of the Police Department. The cleaning bureau you are going to is a department under the Ministry of Highways. Therefore, in the building diagonally opposite, there is a queue at the door. That’s the one with the long queue.”

"oh oh!"

Hearing that he had found the wrong place, Leon couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Nima was scared to death. I said that I wanted to be a street sweeper, but I had to be wanted before I could join the job. It turned out that this was not the sanitation bureau I wanted to go to.

Also, aren’t there only ten positions recruited this time? Why is the line at the cleaning bureau so long? A street sweeper's job has so many people staring at him?

"I'm sorry to disturb you."

After politely apologizing, Leon once again looked at the long team on the opposite floor through the window, and then looked at the red-haired woman in a strange way, and asked softly with hope:

"Well...if you are also short of people here."

"You're not suitable."


Seeing the suddenly dim expression of the sixteen or seventeen-year-old man, the red-haired woman couldn't help but hesitate, and then explained:

"Although the Cleanup Bureau has a good income, which is higher than that of ordinary municipal civil servants, it has a mortality rate of about 8 out of 1,000. So unless you are really desperate, you'd better not come to my place."

Eight thousandths?

After hearing the somewhat cold word "mortality", Leon was not only undeterred, there was even a small surprise in his eyes.

Just kidding, that’s only close to one percent!

That would be fine if it was in the previous life, but in this strange world where steam carriages run all over the streets, the basic mortality rate for workers who do such work as burning furnaces, infusing magic energy, and purifying pharmaceuticals is close to 100,000 per year. Two-thirds of the people were disabled or poisoned due to machine cutting and chemical evaporation, and several times that number.

Judging from their average "working years" of about thirty years, there are almost no workers who can work for a lifetime without illness or disaster. This is a mere annual mortality rate of less than 1%, which is completely...

"I may not have explained it clearly enough just now."

Seeing Leon's somewhat moved expression, the red-haired woman shook her head and explained:

"The mortality rate of the Cleanup Bureau is not calculated on an annual basis, but on a monthly basis."


Calculated on a monthly basis... 8/1000 a month, so it must be close to 1/10 a year? What kind of Abnormal Cleanup Bureau is this? On average, 10% of the employees die every year? ! ? ! ? !

Looking at Leon with shock in his eyes, the red-haired woman shook her head slightly, then waved her hand and drove him away:

"Go away if you understand. We only accept those who have committed capital crimes or have controllable "abnormalities". Ordinary people like you can't cope with the work of the Cleanup Bureau at all. This place is not suitable for you."

"Then... excuse me..."

Accompanied by the red-haired woman's gentle but irrefutable refusal, Leon felt a sharp pain in his head, and a burst of extremely harsh buzzing came from his ears.

[Due to the twentieth failed job search, you successfully activated the Iron-level badge "Unemployed Youth\

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