
Chapter 2 Cat

Lin Xian rubbed his arms that had been blown by the night wind and recalled the dream he had just had.

Big face cat,

Ultraman mask,

beautiful agent,

It’s really dumbfounding.

"It's like making a movie with a bunch of idiots...ahem."

Lin Xian coughed twice and felt a little cold.

Only then did he realize that he had forgotten to close the window before going to bed last night.

The night breeze in early winter is no joke.


After the old sliding windows were closed, the sound of punching at the night market stalls downstairs became much quieter. Without the invasion of the night wind, the room seemed to be getting warmer.

Lin Xian poured himself a cup of hot water, took a few sips, and looked at the full moon in the sky outside the window: "What is hidden in the safe with my name on it...?"

Since birth, Lin Xian has had the same dream repeatedly every night.

Day after day, year after year.

No matter how old Lin Xian is, no matter where he sleeps, no matter what he does during the day, once he falls asleep, he will inevitably appear in that strange yet familiar square.

Strange because Lin Xian was sure that he had never been to this square in reality.

Familiar because over the past twenty years, Lin Xian had already learned a lot about this square. He knows every child, every tree, and even every blade of grass here.

As a child, Lin Xian was afraid of this dream.

Every day is the same people, the same city, the same events.

To Lin Xian, dreams were like a prison from which he could never escape.

The good friends we played with yesterday have turned into strangers today.

The person who died in front of me yesterday greets me with a smile today.

Even if he made a big noise, his dream state would still be as peaceful as ever the next day.

He is like a prisoner trapped in time.

Sentenced to repeat the same life sentence.

He discovered very early that the world in his dreams would always be destroyed on time at 00:42, and he would wake up on time at 00:42.

So he learned to get stuck——

[As long as you stay up until 00:42 in the morning before going to bed every day, you will definitely not dream! 】

And indeed it is.

Therefore, for a long time when he was a child, Lin Xian would stay up until 00:42 before going to bed, having a dreamless night.

But when he grew up, starting from junior high school, Lin Xian's thoughts changed.

Not only did he accept this "nightmare" that repeated itself day after day, he even learned how to enjoy this "sweet dream": In reality, he would be disciplined for whatever he did, but in the dream, he could do whatever he wanted and be lawless.

No need to follow any rules or worry about any consequences! He can drive as fast as he wants to block and kill the gods!This dream that repeated every day became Lin Xian’s outlet during his adolescence.

Once he accepted this setting, Lin Xian felt that this dreamland where he did not have to take any responsibility and was not afraid of death was so delicious!

While his classmates were still playing childish games such as "Bubble Hall" and "MapleStory", Lin Xian was already playing "Ultimate Kingdom", "Hot-Blooded Scoundrels" and "Last Line 3" in his dreams.

Since then...

Lin Xian never stayed up late again.

The first thing I do when I get home from school every day is do my homework.

After finishing my homework, I wash up and go to bed without stopping for a second, which makes my parents call the prodigal son back!It was also from this time that Lin Xian discovered that the dream would not definitely wake up at 00:42——

[If you die in a dream, you will immediately wake up in reality. 】

During his high school years, the death that Lin Xian experienced most was being shot and killed by the police.

A sniper shot in the head, a special police officer shot him on the spot, and he was shot to death randomly while fleeing... He had experienced them all and had even become accustomed to them.

It is precisely because of the long-term high-intensity escape training in dreams that Lin Xian, a high school student, won the "City Youth Urban Parkour League Championship" for three consecutive years, which made the teacher call him a man of both civil and military skills!

To this day...

This dreamland is still Lin Xian's daily amusement park.

It's just that at the age of 23, my thoughts and mentality have matured a lot, and I haven't done those criminal things for a long time. Now, he prefers to wander around in his dreams, participate in other people's stories, and experience all kinds of life.

Although the same day always repeats in the dream, fortunately the world in the dream is big enough. Even though Lin Xian has been playing in the dream for more than 20 years, he still makes new discoveries every day.

Just like the dream just now.

Lin Xian had done this kind of thing like robbing banks many times when he was a teenager, but that warehouse full of safes... this was the first time Lin Xian entered.

He wasn't surprised that his name was on the safe.

He's just weird...

"Why is the password wrong?"

Lin Xian finished a drinkHot water.

The body is much warmer.

He put the water glass on the desk, confused...

According to his long-standing habit, most of the passwords are his birthday, which is easy to remember and simple.

The password for almost all of his online accounts is 19990320. That's why he was so confident in the dream just now.

But why is the password wrong?

An eight-digit password... He really couldn't think of the second possibility.

Ding dong.

The phone on the bedside table lit up with new messages.

He clicked on it and saw that it was a WeChat work group——

Li Juan, leader of the design team: @Everyone, there will be a meeting in the conference room on the third floor at nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Mr. Zhao will personally review everyone's plans! No one is allowed to be late! Reply received! Following that is Ding Dong! Ding dong! Ding dong! A few times.

There are several "Received!" below.

"It's too complicated for these people."

Lin Xian sighed sincerely, it's already 1 o'clock in the middle of the night, are all these people Super Saiyans? Don't you have to sleep at night?

But complaining is complaining...

In his dreams, he can rob banks, blow up buildings, and smile at gunpoint.

But in reality, he still had to reply humbly in the early hours of midnight:


"Go to sleep, you have to get up early tomorrow."

Lin Xian lay down on the bed again, set the alarm clock, and threw his phone on the bedside table——

Bang! …

Li Juan was furious and slammed the folder on the table! “I told you last night! Today, Mr. Zhao will go through your plan in person! Look at the results! What the hell are you doing!?”

The entire conference room on the third floor was silent...

Everyone lowered their heads.

Li Juan was so angry! She took out a drawing, put it on the table and took a quick photo: "What is the main theme of our new brand!? It's youth! It's girls! If I ask you to design the brand image, what do you mean by giving me a fox wearing black stockings?" Still wagging your tail?”

"And you!"

Li Juan took another drawing and stared at the girl next to Lin Xian with a lion in her eyes:

"Do you have any misunderstandings about our new brand? You drew a little bunny, which is okay, but are you serious about the floral scarf and the big cotton-padded jacket? My grandma wears more fashionable clothes than you, the bunny!"

"Our Mr. Zhao has said it countless times! It's very detailed, everyone! Have you heard of Kitty Cat! Hello Kitty? Have you seen it? What we want is the same brand image as Kitty Cat!"


The fat boy on Lin Xian's left hummed softly:

"You're giving me this salary and you still want Kitty Cat..."

"Fat boy, what are you mumbling about!?"

"No, no, no, sister Juan! I say Hello Kitty is the best! Perfast!" Fatty was so frightened that he shivered.

Li Juan's roar filled the entire conference room.

Lin Xian closed his eyes and turned his pen, still thinking about the safe in yesterday's dream.

Eight-digit password...

What exactly is it? What’s hidden in the safe?  Kitty cat? cat?Listening to Li Juan’s roar, Lin Xian thought of the cat mask on the face of a big-faced cat.

It was also an image of a cartoon cat.

A few simple drawings vividly depict the cuteness and vitality of a cat.

Especially when the mask covers the huge face of the big-faced cat, it has a contrasting beauty that appears to be out of mud but not stained.

I have to say, the cat image is indeed very cute.

Simple yet sophisticated, refreshing yet straightforward.

Lin Xian, who was distracted, sketched the cartoon cat on the manuscript paper with just a few strokes...


The female colleague next to me leaned her head over and said: "Lin Xian, what are you drawing?"

(End of chapter)