
Chapter 2: Yuanli Value

This man's name is Qian San. He was a scoundrel before he fled. He was tall and strong, but he did nothing all day.

"Get out of the way!"

"Han Yi, I'm really asking for your advice," Qian San's huge head came over, "Do you have any insights from practicing the 'Breaking Mountain Fist' every day?"

After he finished speaking, the disciples watching the excitement around him burst into laughter.

"Insights?" Han Yi grinned as he looked at the '2~3' floating above his head.

The ability to observe the comprehensive strength of others is also a unique system of the game that Han Yi played before he came to this world.

Half a year ago, when Han Yi first came to this world, he found that as long as he looked at others with concentration, he could see a value.

However, this behavior consumes a lot of physical energy. After a while, Han Yi would feel tired and his eyes were sore. When the refugees fled, he couldn't even eat enough, so he had no other thoughts. It was only after he became an outer disciple of the 'Red Flame Sect' that he began to become familiar with this function.

This value can be understood as 'comprehensive strength', or 'comprehensive strength', which is the defense and attack power of a person with bare hands.

Ordinary people who have never practiced martial arts are usually '1~2', and those who have just become martial artists are '2~3', while Qian San is still '2~3', which means that this person has not made any progress since breaking through the early stage of skin refining!

The best way to deal with this kind of scum whose combat power is not even 5 is to ignore him!

Qian San saw that Han Yi wanted to leave, and hurriedly stepped forward to block him with his body.


Qian San only felt an unstoppable and powerful force coming from Han Yi, and he could not help but step back several steps and fell to the ground!

The laughter around him stopped abruptly!

"Although my realm is also in the early stage of skin refining." Han Yi looked at his own value.


"But I am not like you who are not motivated to make progress!" Han Yi turned his mind, glanced at the people who were 'lying flat' beside him, and walked away.

Dong, Dong, Dong

The time drum sounded, Han Yi looked at the sky, the sun was setting, dusk had arrived, it was time to rest.

After Han Yi had a simple dinner in the dining hall, he went back to the house and lay down early. In order to complete the heavy mining task the next day, he had to go to bed early and get up early to ensure that he was energetic.

After all, miners who get up early have ore to dig.

The next day

In the early morning, the mountain was shrouded in fog, and the morning sun shone through the clouds and mist, dyeing the entire Black Rock Mountain Range golden.

Maybe it was because he practiced too long yesterday. Usually at this time, Han Yi would have gotten up and arrived at the mine, but today Han Yi was still sleeping soundly.

After waking up, Han Yi looked at the sun and his face changed slightly.

Without time to pack up, he grabbed the iron pickaxe and backpack and rushed to the mine.

The mine he found yesterday was outside the ore vein, and there were a lot of fire crystals in it. If he went too late, he might be occupied by others!

The dim mining lamps on both sides of the mine wall reflected on the narrow and deep mine tunnel, making the mine tunnel seem extremely dark and narrow.

Han Yi used the dim light of the mining lamp to find the mark he left and searched all the way.

As expected

The mine tunnel where he was yesterday had already been worked by others!

There is an unwritten rule among the mining disciples, first come first served.

There is no dark jungle bloody rule that Han Yi thought when he first started mining.

After all, the martial arts between the mining disciples are almost the same, and there may be occasional quarrels. Even if there are those who use their own martial arts to oppress others, they will be stopped by the camp supervisor disciples and managers!

Therefore, Han Yi had no choice but to walk to the unfamiliar area on the right side of the mine tunnel.

After walking about a hundred steps along the fork, Han Yi found another mine tunnel, but what made Han Yi speechless was that there were more people than mines in this mine tunnel, and there were three or four people mining in just one mine tunnel.

I got up late today. I guess there are already people in the mine caves outside the mine vein. Han Yi estimated the time. If I continue to dawdle like this, I am afraid that today's task will be difficult to complete!

If the task is not completed, there will not be enough food. For warriors, diet is important in the early stage of cultivation. They need to nourish their bodies with food and increase their strength with food. They need to increase the power of qi and blood in their bodies through food. Only when the qi and blood grow to a certain extent can they break through the realm of martial arts.

There may be other ways to replenish qi and blood, but for mining disciples like Han Yi, food supplements are the only way!

Thinking of this, Han Yi gritted his teeth, his eyes were firm, and he walked deeper along the mine.

At first, the fire crystal vein exposed some ores on the surface, but after years of development by the Chiyan Sect, the ores in the shallow layer of the vein became increasingly scarce, so everyone had to keep digging deeper into the vein.

Now, the roads in the mine cave are as complicated as a maze, and no one can tell where these roads lead to!

Everyone only knows that the deeper you go, the more ores there are and the easier it is to dig.

As Han Yi went deeper, a chill spread. He felt the temperature around him getting colder and colder. There were dim lights everywhere, and no human figures could be seen. Even the noisy mining knocking sounds outside the mine became weaker and weaker, as if isolated from the world.

After walking about a hundred feet, a mine cave suddenly appeared in front of Han Yi.

Han Yi walked quickly, and before Han Yi could observe the environment carefully, he heard a slightly sarcastic voice.

"Han Yi, why are you here?" Ma Liu was sitting on the left side of the mine cave, with a mocking look on his face, "Didn't you want to come a few days ago?"

Ma Liu, who was also a mining disciple in the same batch as Han Yi, invited Han Yi to go to the depths of the mine a few days ago, but Han Yi refused because he was worried about the dangers in the depths of the mine.

Han Yi ignored him and took out his pickaxe to examine the surroundings.

The roads extended in all directions, and sporadic knocking sounds from other deeper mines could be heard.

Inside the mine, under the illumination of the mining lamp, pieces of fire crystals flashed reddish-brown light, and there were only Han Yi and Ma Liu in this huge mine!

Seeing that he had gotten himself into trouble, Ma Liu muttered, "Forget it, if I pity you, you are only suitable to stay here with your courage."

As he spoke, he stood up and walked to the right.

Han Yi was stunned for a moment. I didn't say anything. Why did Ma Liu get angry and leave? But it's okay. Let's work and mine first.

One, two, three...

Han Yi happily counted the ore. The ore vein was deep and rich in resources. It only took a while for Han Yi to complete most of the mining task.

"Maybe I can come to this mine in the future, so I can save a lot of time to practice martial arts!"

"Why is it suddenly a little cold!" Han Yi frowned and thought.

At this time, a scream came from the right.

Han Yi's eyes tightened. This seemed to be Ma Liu's voice. Should I go over and take a look?

Before Han Yi made a decision, he saw Ma Liu staggering into the cave entrance. He saw that his eyes were dull, his face was pale, and he muttered, "Save me..."

The next moment, he fell to the ground, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

At this time, Han Yi found that a black-gray, human-sized strange insect with a sharp mouthpart was crawling on the back of Ma Liu's head.

And on the head of this strange insect, there was a '20~20'!

"What kind of monster is this? It has such a high value?" Han Yi was shocked. His overall strength was only '5~6'.

The strongest person he had ever seen, that is, the instructor who taught martial arts before, had a value of only '18~35'!

This inconspicuous bug is as strong as a master of the Blood Refining Stage?

Before Han Yi could react, the strange bug flapped its wings, as if stretching its body, and the next moment, it shot towards Han Yi.

Han Yi subconsciously raised the pickaxe and hit the strange bug.


The pickaxe hit the mine wall and sparks flew out.

Han Yi staggered and fell to the ground.

What happened?

The pickaxe hit the strange bug like hitting the gas, only causing a ripple and then passing through.

The strange bug fell behind Han Yi, and its two compound eyes seemed to reveal a humanized sneer, and its two twisted and weird legs shot towards Han Yi again like a mantis!

Han Yi had just stood up from the ground at this time, and seeing the strange bug attacking from the ground from bottom to top, he couldn't help but feel a strong sense of fear in his heart.

But this is not the time to give up on yourself!

Han Yi suppressed his fear, sank his qi into his dantian, circulated his qi and blood in his arms, and used the Collapsing Mountain Fist to attack the strange insect!

It's so cold!

As soon as Han Yi's fist touched the strange insect, he felt a wave of cold air coming from the strange insect, as if he was in an ice cave in the coldest days of winter, freezing him crazy.

But the next moment, Han Yi felt a strong suction force surging from his mind. At this time, the panel that had been silent for a long time changed, and a series of information flashed in front of Han Yi.

[It was found that the Yin Qi can be absorbed, do you want to absorb it?]

Without time to think about it, Han Yi subconsciously chose yes.

In an instant, the strange insect melted like snow in early spring, and the evil breath disappeared without a trace, as if the coldness just now was just Han Yi's illusion.

At this time, a noise came from the mine tunnel.

"It sounds like Ma Liu's voice, what's going on?"

"Let's go in and take a look."

Before Han Yi could recover, the mining disciples who heard the screams from the surrounding mines rushed in.

The bearded man in the lead felt Ma Liu's breath and shook his head to everyone, "What's going on?" the bearded man asked.

Han Yi concentrated his mind and thought to himself that the system must not be exposed!

"Just now a white shadow flashed by, and then Ma Liu fell to the ground." Han Yi paused and said in a low voice.

What? The people around him were immediately shocked when they heard this.

"Demon, it must be a demon!" Some people shouted, and everyone took a few steps back.

"Don't come to this area anymore!"

"Yes, let's go quickly while it's still safe." The crowd dispersed like birds and beasts, and the mine, which was still a little noisy, became quiet instantly.

"What a bunch of cowards." The bearded man cursed loudly, "Can you hide for a while but not for a lifetime?"

Han Yi was also a little dumbfounded. According to the plot, shouldn't they fight the boss together and kill people to get treasures? How come it's over before it even starts? Sure enough, it's human nature to seek benefits and avoid harm. The ancients were right.

Everyone has left, and Han Yi and the bearded man can't take risks again.

Han Yi looked at Ma Liu's body, stepped forward and whispered: "The dead are the greatest, let's carry him out and bury him."

The big man nodded, and the two of them lifted Ma Liu's body together and walked towards the camp.

At this time, Han Yi had time to check the panel information.

[Name]: Han Yi (16/61)

[Realm]: Early stage of skin refining (30/100)

[Martial Arts]: Collapse Mountain Fist (Ordinary level, entry 6/10, can be improved)

[Elemental Force]: 10


Elemental Force? !

Lifespan increased!

I can add some!