
Chapter 3: Making money, not being shabby

Too crystalline.

As a special phenomenon that occurs in Pokémon unique to the Padia region, its status is equivalent to Mega Evolution, Z-moves, and Dynamax, the three "special systems" unique to the Pokémon world.

Its effect is incredible, and it can temporarily change the attributes of a Pokémon.

Even if it is from the dragon type to the fairy type, from the fire type to the water type, it can be done.

While changing attributes, you will also enjoy the attribute-consistent damage bonus of the changed attribute moves, which can greatly improve the Pokémon's combat capabilities.

In the current timeline of the Padia region where Luo Mu is located, as far as he knows, Taijinghua has been researched by the couple Dr. Futu and Dr. Olin.

However, due to the lack of large-scale access to raw materials, Taijinghua has not yet been promoted. The battle between him and the chief champion Yeci also did not use Taijinghua.

As the chief champion, Ye Ci must have the Tai Jing Bead, but Luo Mu does not.

The shell of the Taijing crystal formed by the Taijing energy escaping underground in the Padia region, and the value of the Taijing bead raw ore properly wrapped and protected is very high.

It was high enough to allow Luo Mu, who was now struggling on the edge of poverty, to return to a well-off life.

Sell ​​it to Yeci!

In a flash of lightning, this idea quickly came to Luo Mu's mind.

However, the special prompt system was like crazy, constantly flashing words in his eyes.

[I know you want to sell it, no! allow! Sell! 】

[With it, your Pokémon's strength can be improved a lot. Why sell it? 】

[Woo woo woo, please don’t sell it, I promise to help you when you build your farm! 】

【This is my lifelong request! 】


Luo Mu was a little speechless, he was so humble, as if he was bullying others.

"It's not impossible for me to keep it, but you have to be on call when I need reminders, right?"

【Monkey, no problem! 】

Seeing the font that clearly showed his happy mood appeared, Luo Mu sighed and accepted this special reminder system in his heart.

This guy seems silly and has no scheming intentions. It would be nice to have someone to chat with to relieve his boredom.

After moving all the furniture and items that needed to be dried in the sun with Swamp Monster outside, Luo Mu reached out and fist-bumped Swamp Monster's right palm and said with a smile, "Thank you for your hard work. Let's make a big dinner tonight." , go back to the elf ball and rest first.”

The giant swamp monster nodded, touched his own elf ball among the six on Luo Mu's waist, and turned into a red light and escaped into it.

Luo Mu stretched and glanced across the ground.

In addition to the furniture that needs to be exposed to the sun, he has also opened the sealed cardboard boxes, and the contents inside are lying on the ground quietly.

He had already rummaged through the contents, and except for some photos of the old couple, there was almost nothing that could be used.

Luo Mu planned to pack up these things later and bring them to the old couple's grave to put them there.

In addition, he also found several bags of unlabeled plant seeds, probably some flower seeds.

It is a pity that these seeds are no longer usable. The old couple probably did not preserve them when they bought them.

Moreover, a long time has passed, and even if it is saved, it may not last until now.

The only thing that can be considered an unexpected gain is the raw Tai Jing Bead ore in his hand, right?

Thinking of this, Luo Mu played with the raw Taijingzhu ore in his hand. After hesitating for a while, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Beep, beep, the call was quickly connected.

"It's really strange. Why did you suddenly remember to call me today, champion Luo Mu?"

The voice on the other end of the phone was Yeci, the chief champion and president of the Padian League.

Luo Mu had no choice but to correct Yeci's title, because after he developed in the Padia area for a period of time, Yeci naturally noticed him.

After getting to know each other, they became quite familiar with her. Luo Mu was not as nervous as others when talking to her.

Ye Ci on the other end of the phone shook her head slightly. Through this little test, she could tell that even if half a month had passed, Luo Mu still had no intention of going back on his previous decision.

He sighed silently and said with a kind face, "Then what do you want to see me for this time?"

Luo Mu said slowly: "I found a raw ore of a crystal bead, and I would like to ask the president to help me give it to the two doctors to make it into a usable crystal bead."

Hearing this, Ye Ci's expression suddenly became serious.

Tai Jing Bead raw ore is a very rare thing. Furthermore, Luo Mu's request is not to sell it to himself in exchange for money but to make it into usable Tai Jing Beads.This means that at least he has not completely given up on the path of being a trainer!

The plan instantly appeared in Yeci's mind. Ye Ci coughed twice, with a smile on his face: "The matchmaking thing is just a trivial matter, but Luo Mu, do you know how expensive it is to make the Tai Jing Bead?"

Luo Mu was confused. In the future, wouldn't the Tai Jing Bead be a prop that all new trainers can get? How valuable can it be? Hiss is wrong.

In an instant, Luo Mu suddenly remembered that he was living in a time when the Taijing Bead had just been developed, and it was still very early for costs to be reduced and the technology to be put into mass production. Just like before time travel.

Many high-performance black technologies have been realized for a long time, but due to limitations in materials and costs, they can only stay in the laboratory and cannot expand the industrial chain on a large scale.

Tai Jingzhu is also in the same situation now.

Damn it, he seems sloppy! Luo Mu touched his little heart and asked hesitantly: "Can I ask how much it costs to make a Tai Jing Bead if I provide the raw materials?"

Yeci smiled and said, "I guess I can get the money together by selling the land you just bought, right?"


Luo Mu took a breath, what a fart! Even if he sells himself, he can't sell this land!

Thinking that he was not in a hurry to use this thing, just when Luo Mu was about to give up on making the crystal beads, Ye Ci suddenly said: "But this problem is not unsolvable."

Luo Mu's movements froze, and he couldn't help but pricked up his ears and listened.

"I will help you pay for the construction cost, but I have a condition."


"In exchange, you need to go to Orange Academy in Table City to serve as a battle teacher."

"I recently took a long leave because of the duel teacher. As the chairman of the college, I am worried about the teacher's choice. You came at the right time."

It can even be said that it was delivered to the door itself.

After Ye Ci finished speaking, Luo Mu, who was holding his cell phone, fell into deep thought.

Let him become a teacher?

Isn’t Yeci afraid that the future flowers in the Padia region will be ruined by his teachings?

And his dream is not to be a teacher! Before Luo Mu could refuse, Ye Ci seemed to have fully understood his thoughts and made a proposal that he could not refuse at all.

"There are only two combat classes per week, which won't affect too much of your time. Moreover, Zhuotai City is very close to Pingdie Town, so it won't take much time to take your Kuailong back and forth."

"The most important thing is that I will bear all the costs of making your Tai Jingzhu. Your salary as a battle teacher will be the same as that of a regular teaching teacher. Are you satisfied with this proposal?"

Luo Mu found that he seemed to be completely manipulated by Ye Ci, and every one of her suggestions played into his hands.

The working hours are short and the salary can be used to supplement the family income. He can also use the manufacturing costs of Taijingzhu for free, which does not affect his dream of being a farmer.

Does he have any reason to refuse? No!

Luo Mu immediately made a decision: "Chairman, how long will it take for us to come to work?"

(End of chapter)