
Chapter 1 Awakening

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"Whether it's in the fire, in the water, in the grass, in the forest, in the land, in the clouds, or in that girl's skirt... Although it is quite hard, I will definitely conquer it..."

Familiar singing came from the mobile phone on the bedside, waking up the sleeping person.

A head reluctantly emerged from the bed.

The seal is broken!

Su Yuan slowly woke up from his dream.

"But I will definitely conquer the Pokemon!"

Su Yuan closed his eyes and listened to the singing, and the next lyrics were already in his mouth.

This is the Pokémon theme song and one of his favorite songs.

For him, every time he hears this song, he has the illusion that he is in the Pokémon world.

It seemed as if the boy traveling with Pikachu was no one else but himself.

The elves and friends he kept encountering during the journey made him deeply addicted and unable to extricate himself.

"It would be great if I could travel with the elves."

After lying quietly on the bed and listening to the entire song, and rubbing the large Pikachu pillow in his arms, Su Yuan opened his eyes with melancholy.

"If only you really existed."

From the various Pokémon peripheral posters, dolls and cards in the cabinet in the room, it is easy to see that Su Yuan likes elves very much.

After stretching, Su Yuan slowly sat up from the bed.

After all, elves only exist in people's fantasies, and the reality is reality.

Today is the first day of school for his senior year of high school, and his tough senior year life is about to officially begin.

At this moment, the sky outside the window is still dark, without a trace of light.

On the bedside mobile phone, the time showed half past five.


Su Yuan, who was a little sleepy, yawned greatly. It was the first time he got up so early and he was a little uncomfortable. Looking at the warm bed, Su Yuan used Water Splash.


Su Yuan jumped twice.


The increasingly heavy eyelids have announced the outcome of this war over body sovereignty.

Su Yuan was completely defeated.

Water splashing does no damage.

Even though it was early autumn, he still couldn't stand getting up at 5:30.

"Fortunately, I set three alarm clocks."

The last thought flashed through Su Yuan's mind, and then he fell onto the bed again.

"Son, son, if you don't get up yet, the sun will be shining on you."

"Sometimes I really admire you. You set three alarm clocks, your mother and I were woken up, and you were still lying on the bed and sleeping soundly without realizing it. It's really amazing."

"Even Kirbymon can't sleep with you!"

Father Su's familiar voice came from the bedside, bringing Su Yuan back to reality from his dream.

"I got it, Dad."

Su Yuan stuck his head out from the bed helplessly.

My father also likes to watch Pokémon, but Su Yuan doesn't agree with the metaphor of Kirby.

"What time is it?"

Su Yuan looked at his father Su Cheng. Every time he couldn't get out of bed, his father would come to the room to wake him up.


Before Father Su could answer, a black puppy at his feet seemed eager to tell Su Yuan.

Hearing the sound, although his eyes were still drowsy,Su Yuan still saw the black puppy at Su's father's feet with his peripheral vision.

"Huh? Dad, when did you get a puppy?"

Su Yuan spoke doubtfully while putting on his clothes.

Hearing this, Su's father put his hand on his forehead speechlessly.

But it was Su Yuan’s forehead that was touched.

"You don't have a fever, why are you talking nonsense again?"

"Derubi has been coming to our house for several years!"

"Are you drowsy again? It doesn't matter if you were drowsy today, but if you are drowsy again when you go to choose an elf partner later, don't regret it if something goes wrong." "Darubi, choose an elf?"

Su Yuan paused while putting on his clothes, as if he heard something unbelievable.

Rubbing his eyes, Su Yuan looked at the black puppy standing at Su's father's feet.

My eyes were wide open just now, now I look at it.


This is not an ordinary puppy.

This is an elf!

The puppy's back, limbs and forehead are all wrapped in majestic white bones, and there is also a stubby and cute little tail that is constantly wagging, symbolizing the tail owner's good mood.

This was exactly what the elf called Darubi should look like in his memory.

Su Yuan suddenly became excited.

"Get up quickly, I'll wait for you in the car outside."

After Su's father finished speaking, he took Delubi and left the room.

At the moment when Su Yuan's emotions fluctuated violently, a wave of memories flooded into his mind.

A few minutes later, Su Yuan came to his senses.

He seemed to have traveled through time.

Or the world line changes?

The history of the world has undergone a huge turning point at a certain moment in the past, and the wheels of history have broken off.

The elf appears.

Fifty years ago, various secret realms appeared one after another in this world. In the process of merging the secret realms with reality, a creature called an elf entered human vision.

Disputes ensued.

But after some mysterious figures appeared over the capitals of several important countries, the large-scale war that was about to break out between humans and elves suddenly stopped.

Decades of peaceful coexistence followed.

Nowadays, the two powerful species of elves and humans have become increasingly close after so many years of running-in.

Many people began to accept elves and regard them as their equal friends and companions.

Although there are many things that have changed, most of them are about elves, and there are also many things that have not changed, such as my parents and friends, etc...

Su Yuan gradually sorted out his memory.

He was not too sentimental about time travel.

They come, the security.

Moreover, this is the elf world!

The corners of Su Yuan's mouth gradually curved.

He really came to the elven world, and...

Elves appeared fifty years ago, probably because of the butterfly effect. There are no anime or games about elves in the island countries of this world.

Therefore, the memory in Su Yuan's mind can be described as a huge wealth to him.

Although most of the information he has comes from knowledge seen in anime and novels and games, for this world where elves have only appeared for fifty years, these are allA very precious thing.

As long as a small part of the knowledge in his mind is released, he can become a popular figure in a country.

Of course, the danger of doing this is also huge. Su Yuan will not do such a stupid thing before he is not strong enough.

After figuring out the key, Su Yuan took a deep breath, and then started to get excited.

The previous sleepiness had long since been completely wiped out by him.

We have come to the elves world, why should we sleep?

Being able to come to such a world belonging to elves, being able to grow up, travel and have adventures with your favorite elves.

The things you once dreamed about in your dreams will become reality.

This feeling is really, really true.

Very good!

Su Yuan jumped out of bed, rushed to the door and shouted:

"Dad, I'm coming."

Brush your teeth and wash your face.

Get out quickly.

"I am the man who wants to become a Pokémon Master!"


I am coming!

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