
Chapter 1 7·15 Disappearance Case

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【7.15 Disappearance Case】

Name: Link

Sex: Male

Age: 21 years old

Time of incident: July 15, 2051, 7:30 in the morning

Location of the crime: Room 404, Unit 2, Building 13, Aegean Community

Summary of the case: The client, Lin Ke, appeared at the intersection of Honor Street at 6:50 in the morning. While waiting for the traffic light, he openly molested a woman named Zuo Qiuyue who was next to him. Assistant manager Li Youmei tried to catch him, but he escaped on the spot. According to surveillance evidence along the way, Link fled all the way back to his residence, and then disappeared completely.

Personnel involved in the transcript: Zuo Qiuyue, Li Youmei

Zuo Qiuyue’s transcript is as follows——

"Hello, Ms. Zuo, do you know the person involved, Link?"

"Link? Are you talking about that pervert? I don't know him."

"Then have you ever seen him, or has he harassed you before?"

"Mr. Police, I don't understand why you called me here. First of all, I don't know him at all and have never seen him. Furthermore, I am the victim."

"you sure?"

"I'm pretty sure."

"Why did you slap him?"

"Mr. Police, what are you talking about? I helped him out of kindness, so forget it because he is ungrateful. He sneaks up on me, why can't I slap him?"

Li Yumei’s transcript is as follows——

"Hello, Assistant Manager Li, please don't get me wrong. We would like to trouble you to come in person this time, mainly because we want to learn more about the situation at that time."

"It's okay, I understand. Just ask. I will tell you whatever I see."

"Very good, Assistant Manager Li, it's like this. We saw through the surveillance that you were on the opposite side of the crosswalk at that time. Because of the red light, you were actually far away from the person involved, Link, right?"

"Yes, I'm far away, but I'm pretty sure that man molested that woman."

"Assistant Li, I want to say."

"Officer Liu, listen to me first."

".You tell me."

"Since the 'Devil's Call' incident occurred thirty years ago, if it hadn't been for the great goddess of radiance and the 'sonorous rose' army led by her, they had stepped forward to eliminate countless aberrant creatures and build the great wall of holy swords. I'm afraid it has become extinct long ago, and there will no longer be the stable life of humans within the city walls today.

Therefore, after stabilizing the order within the city walls, the great goddess of radiance created an independent 'Citizen Quality Adjudication Committee' organization, firstly to maintain the civic qualities that humans should possess in the apocalypse, and secondly to protect the people in the apocalypse. Human beings have made great sacrifices, but their status is not as high as that of women who feed themselves. You must know this, right? "

"Um, Assistant Li, please don't misunderstand. We have no intention of defending Link."

"That's perfect. It's my duty to supervise the personal qualities of the citizens within the city walls. Although after many years of management by the committee, heinous behaviors like molesting women have been basically invisible, but I still can't relax. After all, This is a great and glorious job entrusted to each member of our Citizen Quality Adjudication Committee by the goddess of brilliance. As a staff member of the committee and a great woman, I will never allow anyone to do it. There are acts that violate public ethics, especially men who rely on us women to survive.”

"Assistant Li, we respect your work very much and admire your professional responsibility, but we just want to ask, apart from seeing Link molesting the lady, did you see anything else about him at that time?" move?"

"No, I'm pretty sure about that."

"Then why did he pinch his own throat after being slapped by that lady?"

"Who knows, maybe there's something wrong with his brain."

Link's personal details: Appendix 1

Personal details of Zuo Qiuyue: Appendix 2

Li Yumei’s personal details: Appendix 3

"Brother Xu, this is all the file information of the '7·15 Disappearance Case'. How about it? Are you interested in giving it a try? According to the old rules, as long as you can help me solve this case this time, we will get the bonus afterwards. Still 37 points.”

In a small restaurant, a middle-aged man in casual clothes took a swig of beer, and then ate several mouthfuls of raw garlic. The scar on his face looked a little ferocious due to the spicy pull in his mouth.

The kind-looking young man sitting opposite him is what he calls Brother Xu. His name is Xu Nian. He says he is kind because this young man does not look threatening at all, nor can he be considered handsome. He gives people the impression of a neighbor. Little brother feeling.

The middle-aged man is Zhao Qiang, the deputy leader of the serious crime team of the Rongcheng Security Department. A few days ago, a bizarre disappearance case occurred in the city center. It was nothing at all, just a disappearance case. No matter how bizarre it is, it is still a disappearance case. Just leave it to the people below to handle it.

However, I don’t know which guy with no eyesight put this matter on the Internet in an exaggerated manner, causing people to panic and making all kinds of nonsense.

Under the public opinion, the director immediately gave him a death order. Within a week, the case must be solved, the person must be seen alive, and the corpse must be seen after death.

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and go investigate. It turned out that it had been five days and there was no clue at all. In desperation, he had no choice but to find Brother Xu, who he had cooperated with several times.

Speaking of this brother Xu, he looks like he is only in his twenties, but he is calm, thoughtful, and has good abilities. The most important thing is that as a private detective, he is not famous at all.

This satisfied him very much.

You know, when the police in Rongcheng encounter difficult cases, it is common for them to cooperate with detectives in private to share bonuses. Naturally, he also hopes to have a partner in private who is not well-known, but is very capable and knows the general situation.

Through these several cooperations, Xu Nian made him very satisfied.

No, when such an urgent case came up, the first thing he thought of was Xu Nian.

At this time, Xu Nianzheng looked through the files in his hands seriously, and from time to time he touched his chin thoughtfully, which at least gave people a very intelligent feeling on the surface.

"Brother Qiang, let's not talk about the bonus. I have read the information, but I have a few questions."

At some point, Xu Nian suddenly put down the file in his hand, and then looked at Zhao Qiang in front of him with a smile.

Zhao Qiang was shocked and immediately sat up straight and said, "Brother, if you have any questions, just ask. As long as you can solve this case, your business will be my business from now on."

As he spoke, he patted his chest proudly.

Xu Nian smiled and asked: "I looked at the file, and it said that Link never came out after returning home. Can you be sure about this?"

"Of course." Zhao Qiang nodded decisively: "The community where Link is located is the relatively high-end Aegean Community in the city center. There are cameras everywhere inside and outside the community. We have watched the surveillance many times and are sure that Link has escaped home since then. After that, he never came out again.”

"So, the secret room is missing?" Xu Nian touched his chin thoughtfully, "Have you searched the entire building?"

"How could we not have searched it?" Zhao Qiang rubbed his swollen head and sighed: "Not to mention the whole building, in order to find even a little clue, we sealed off the entire community and searched every household. , but it’s a pity that this person disappeared mysteriously without even noticing it.”

Xu Nian nodded: "What about home? What did you find? Or, is there anything unusual?"

"I didn't find anything." After Zhao Qiang finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something and frowned: "However, there is an anomaly."

"Oh?" Xu Nian's eyes lit up.

"It's a mobile phone." Zhao Qiang's eyes were a little weird. "We found a mobile phone at his home. It's strange. There is only one person in the address book with the note of 'Beloved', and the call records are even more outrageous. After confirmation, except for his company Colleague, just the courier’s number.”

As he said that, he seemed to be speechless and shook his head: "This Link is really weird. He doesn't even want to save his colleagues' numbers. He is really lonely."

Xu Nian touched his chin again and said, "Beloved?"

"Well, we also checked this through the Telecommunications Bureau. It was a girl named Wang Yuying, but unfortunately, this girl committed suicide eighteen years ago, so it has nothing to do with this case."

Xu Nian nodded slightly: "So, this girl named Wang Yuying is the only one who has social relations with Link?"

"To be precise, they are dead people!" Zhao Qiang smiled bitterly and shook his head, "If you think dead people can be considered human beings."

Xu Nian's eyes flashed and he said with a smile: "Then can I go and see the scene?"

"This" Zhao Qiang hesitated for a moment, but soon made up his mind, gritted his teeth and whispered: "Brother, according to the regulations, I can't bring any unrelated people into the scene, but now the situation is special. At seven o'clock in the evening, I am alone Someone will take you to the scene, but you have to promise me, but you must never tell anyone."

Xu Nian put his right hand into his jacket pocket, turned off the recorder calmly, and said with a smile: "Brother, what are you talking about? Am I, Xu Nian, that kind of person?"

This book has been signed and the contract is being filled out. Everyone can invest with confidence!

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